Who gets the last word in?

Yea that seems to be the easiest way but, the result is generally not really good... Online translator programs are translating word by word and it looks fake and not understandable. And I don't want to pay for a real translator no matter online or not...... :)

Ya I found the hard way not to use those. :(
Kreator is quite funny:)

ps. "online do not translate machines is this way well."
This is what an online translator makes of the dutch sentence: "Online translators aren't very good."
(Of course, this is not the actual dutch sentence by the dutch one translated by a person, namely me... although I'm not always sure I can be defined as a person, but it seems to me that is not the issue we were discussing.)
So in short, do not use a online thingy to translate to, but only the translate from in order to get some meaning from an otherwise meaningless sentence. Bah, not really short, but who cares about that.

O yeah, what I actually wanted to say:
@necromancy: I don't know anybody that can write Japanese.
Good to hear it was fun.

I just heard that the trip I had planned will not happen. Not enough people to make it profitable... O well, now I just have to think of another destination.
Good trip. The weather was hot and sunny, we ate so much food and drank so much that I think I gained over 10 pounds, and the kids had a great time.

So, now for the happy snaps.:heh::heh:

No snaps, that means you could of had your internet cut-off for a month and now you paid your bill your back on :lol::lol::lol:

What say yeeeee :p

welcome back naf.