Who gets the last word in?

I'm doing really fine,thanks for asking,I just got back from Germany last weekend,I've been to RockHard festival!
What 'bout you,did you go out to a concert or festival recentely??
Apologies for my english...it still sucks! :)
Aren't there any festivals during summertime overthere??

Not any metal ones, and even then, outdoor festivals are few and far between here. There are other concerts I could have gone to, would have liked to have gone to, but I have very few local friends that are into the same music as me and I don't like going to concerts alone. My wife will sometimes join me if it's a band I really want to see but have noone to go with, but then we have to line up babysitters, and she's not really into it, so I only play that card occasionally.
Work is annoying if you have to work with... uhm... incompetent/stupid/dumb/blundering/unskilled* people.

Some people should just listen and not think, and if they think, they ought to think about how to listen. And I do not mean thinking about listening to hear themself think, I mean listen to smart people... you know, people who know how to think and how to listen. Arghh, how I hate to cleanup data and programs that other people created to deliver a fast solution...

*strikethrough that which is not applicable**.

**already performed that action:)

ps. good to celebrate stuff with beer. Maybe I ought to celebrate that my brother cycled up the Alpe d'huez 6 times today.:notworthy