Who gets the last word in?

It's funny how much more time is left to surf the net after one quits smoking. I think I should find some hobby or something...

Bah, can't be arsed.
......Ι am bored... something new?????

(κι αν δεν χωρας μεσα σε μια ονειροπαγιδα...και αν δεν σου φτανει μια αγκαλια φυλακη...τοτε τι κριμα,τι κριμα,τι κριμα...)
Ah, that would explain it.
I am being reminded on a daily basis lately that I'm not used to working above my head... literally. Comes with an officejob I guess, I ought to have left the heavy work to people with education/experience in painting and other house-make-over-stuff...

O well, I do seem to have found a hobby... and the best part of it is that it is kind of mandatory to end each day with beer:)
@naf: I hope you have enjoyed your recent day then, congrats (also on the Mikkeller:P).

@educated opinion: Did you know that you're repeating yourself? O and a number is not really a word, so that way your never going to win, even in the highly unlikely event you did manager to have the last post.