Who gets the last word in?

Lhorian said:
Would you, by any change have some new pictures of the little guy? I think his website is a bit behind schedule...not that I'm complaining:)
That's partly because I ran out of space on his original website, and partly the time factor. Everytime I'm on the computer he tries to reach up and hit something on the keyboard, which doesn't help either. He's also discovered the "off" switch on the computer :eek: But yes, there is lots of recent pictures (and videos) which I might get a chance to post one of these days. I may just be slightly biased, but I think he's even cuter and sweeter than before, if that's possible :D

:wave: to ante
It is as Zeanra says, it is getting dark over there in the north, not that I have any problems with that, but any excuse to get to see pictures of a little fellow annoying his dad by switching of his pc is a good excuse:D

*sits down to wait*
That's good to hear. I hope you'll do well on the exam. That scholarship has your name on it. :)

This week = as bad as last week. I can't go a day without writing a test or doing a project. :bah:
That is a good way to keep you under control though. It's like when you were in elementary school, you would get a sticker when you did all your corrections.

That's some good advice you got there, Runar. ;)
I'm all about revolution! :D

Are the projects irrelevant to learning a specific topic? I dealt with that so often. We would be studying illuminated books, and the teacher would have us make one... despite already being able to write a fifty page essay on the subject. It's been added to my memory banks already! NEXT SUBJECT PLEASE. ^_^
Haha, exactly. I never learn from any of the assignments I need to do in english class, but I do them so my mark won't slip.

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