Who gets the last word in?

How should I know? I don't even know what it is... well not exactly, but that's beside the point...Damn, now I forgot what point I was going to make.
But rest assured, it would have been a lousy point anyway...
I'm going to relax. Went to tour Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's home) yesterday & had a wonderful day but really messed up my bad knees with all the walking..so today is my lazy day. :)

Hope you have a good day, & good luck with the house hunting! :)
Thanks, lady. :)

Relaxing.. that's what I've been doing for two months now. I didn't think it was possible to relax too much, but apparently it is. Looking for a house and good days don't mix this time of the year. Especially when it's 90 degrees out and the vehicle has no air conditioner. It's worth it to get out of this place though.

Rusty, it's hard work. I tried to be not irritating one day, but that didn't work out. :)
Sonnenritter said:
Thanks, lady. :)

Relaxing.. that's what I've been doing for two months now. I didn't think it was possible to relax too much, but apparently it is. Looking for a house and good days don't mix this time of the year. Especially when it's 90 degrees out and the vehicle has no air conditioner. It's worth it to get out of this place though.

Oh yuk..you poor thing..extra good luck to you today then!
*takes a bow* Thank you, thank you, but there's still a long way to go yet. I don't want to get ahead of myself. :)

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