Who gets the last word in?

Sonnenritter said:
@Lhorian.. I have to work sometimes on the weekend, so that kind of takes time away from drinking. I want a full day with no work/nothing to do where I can wake up and open a bottle. :)

That reminds me.. do any of you have a set time that you won't drink before?
A set time? nope I drink for enjoyment, and there is no set time for that so I can't set a time before which I don't drink, but in general I don't drink before 4 o'clock.

And about those extra days, I wouldn't mind having some too...besides the weekend:Spin:
Incendiare said:
beer x beer = beer2
But isn't 'Beer x Beer' = Beer^2 ? :err:

And following that logic, if 'x'^2 = Beer....... what does 'x' equal? :confused:

Hint: Prolly the stuff Rusty was drinking. :Smug:

P.S. I'm sawwy applied mathematics isn't your strong point dear :( But I thank you for the opening all the same. ;)

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