Who gets the last word in?

It's italian indeed,for that's what i am :p

And i like the music very much and the singer is cute tu :eek:

Can u reccomend me another book ,cause the other one is in reservation for me at the library :)
Italian!? :OMG: :D

That one was book 9 in the series! :lol:
I think you should start out with the first book, called Wizard's First Rule ;)
If not, then try to find any book by the author Brian Lumley. He writes horro/fantasy/sci-fi novels mainly concerning vampires...I read a series or two of his and was impressed :p
No,no i ordered the first book about the first rule so it's ok ;)

And don't get overexited i'm only half italian the other half is dutch :p

And now shut up cause i have to search for a pic. is it a good one or what?
I'll get over-excited when the situation deserves it...so :p ;)
An interesting combination, hopefully will get to see an example of it some day ;)
If I told you about the pic, the anticipation would die, wouldn't it? ;)

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