I think on the virtue that it has a fedora in it, my current av wins hand-down. Actually, I liked my old one, with my little "demonic maple leaf" HoserHellspawn logo, but then I jumped on the "pic of self as avatar" bandwagon to satisfy both your inquiring minds and my narcesissitc impules. However, I may one day change it again. Oh yes. It may very well happen.
Ask yourself: Am I prepared? How is it going to affect my life? How will I cope? Which is better, Glossette chocolate covered peanuts or almonds? Does anyone outside of Canada know who Don Cherry is? What is the adversion of the average platypus to, say, used car parts as opposed to 8-track players, some other organic substance? Did the above question just state that car parts are organic, or am I just crazy? How long can Hoser keep going on like this? Will his self-awareness of his mad rambling cause him to cease, or just question further? How do traffic lights really work? If 2 wrongs make a right, 4 wrongs make 2 rights, and 16 wrongs make 3 rights, how many wrongs does it take to make 4 rights? Am I opposed to this non-sensical crap being posted on this forum? Why am I here, anyway? If a train leaves Chicago at 40 mph and another leaves Boston at...