who heard the new dimmu?


Jul 2, 2003
They've gone a step further with regard to using an orchestra. There's freaking trumpets and shit on the new one. Also sounds like there's a choir. Doesn't sound as heavy as the last record because of the production, but the songs I've heard are pretty darn good.
that dude has a crap name. I mean come on... Bodom_Dimmu. What the fuck? "Hey here's an idea, lets smash the first words of my two favourite bands together and see how stupid it looks!!! Hey that's ultra-hip! I'm gonna keep it!!!" pfft. I can't really talk. pinkmaggit is also a fuckin stupid name. But I was pissed whne I registered. *sigh*
PiNkMaGGiT said:
that dude has a crap name. I mean come on... Bodom_Dimmu. What the fuck? "Hey here's an idea, lets smash the first words of my two favourite bands together and see how stupid it looks!!! Hey that's ultra-hip! I'm gonna keep it!!!" pfft. I can't really talk. pinkmaggit is also a fuckin stupid name. But I was pissed whne I registered. *sigh*

Well that was the epitomy of random venting.

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No entry found for Epitomy.
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e·pit·o·me ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-pt-m)
A representative or example of a class or type: “He is seen... as the epitome of the hawkish, right-of-center intellectual” (Paul Kennedy).
A brief summary, as of a book or article; an abstract.

Main Entry: epit·o·me
Pronunciation: i-'pi-t&-mE
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek epitomE, from epitemnein to cut short, from epi- + temnein to cut -- more at TOME
Date: 1520
1 a : a summary of a written work b : a brief presentation or statement of something
2 : a typical or ideal example : EMBODIMENT <the British monarchy itself is the epitome of tradition -- Richard Joseph>
3 : brief or miniature form -- usually used with in
- ep·i·tom·ic /"e-p&-'tä-mik/ or ep·i·tom·i·cal /-mi-k&l/ adjective

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1. epitome


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No entry found for Epitomy.
Did you mean Epitome?

e·pit·o·me ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-pt-m)
A representative or example of a class or type: “He is seen... as the epitome of the hawkish, right-of-center intellectual” (Paul Kennedy).
A brief summary, as of a book or article; an abstract.

Main Entry: epit·o·me
Pronunciation: i-'pi-t&-mE
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek epitomE, from epitemnein to cut short, from epi- + temnein to cut -- more at TOME
Date: 1520
1 a : a summary of a written work b : a brief presentation or statement of something
2 : a typical or ideal example : EMBODIMENT <the British monarchy itself is the epitome of tradition -- Richard Joseph>
3 : brief or miniature form -- usually used with in
- ep·i·tom·ic /"e-p&-'tä-mik/ or ep·i·tom·i·cal /-mi-k&l/ adjective


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