Who here is from Canada ey?

Hey guys and Gals,

Im heading to Canada in the new year and Im keen to network with any like minded producers / engineers / studios / musicians I can find.

I am planning to be in B.C. however I will be doing loads of traveling in and around Canada.

If your keen to network, chat, collaborate or just have a beer or five let me know.

Here is some of my recent work, hopefully it delights your ears:


Unseen Hero "Keep Running Boy"

Discography and Bio here if you need to see that: http://www.dylan-ellis.com

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/producerdylan

Hope to chat with you guys soon!


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From Windsor, Ontario. Look me up if you make it out my way.
Cheers Glenn, I will do.

It's EH :p But welcome, you'll like it here. :)
Already learning, eh! it is haha.
Yeah I am very much looking forward to it. I keep seeing the workshops and BBQ's at Nimbus with GGG and Bob Ezrin - Im gonna love getting to know the scene up there. Also there isn't much good vintage gear where I am at the moment, so looking forward to doing some mixes on some older consoles again.

Also looking forward to being closer to AES and making trips to LA and NYC.
I'm not really a producer / engineer / studio / musician, but I do enjoy the occasional jamming with my guitar.

If you're ever near Montréal, shoot me a PM. I'll be glad to grab a beer or two with a fellow sneapster!
Sneapster party in Montreal? Count me in!

Awesome, that sounds like a great plan.

Why are you coming over, work? The beer is good here ;)

Yea looking to gain further experience and work with some new people. A lot of my hero's are Canadian so it just made sense. Also its close enough to LA from Vancouver to fly down from time to time. I havent been to any AES conventions, and I'd just like to work on some older Consoles again and in some cool studios.

I just think its time to take the next step for me. I've worked with bands and artists from all over - all the way up Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Uganda, Nigeria, Malawi, Egypt) to the Middle East (UAE, Saudi, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Palestine)

I was born and raised in South Africa, lived in England and Scotland for a while and I currently live in Dubai (UAE) Im ready for some new music, beer, outdoors, Ice Hokey and Fishing. I just want to learn and grow more ultimately. This will hopefully open me up to some cool new opportunities!

So I am very keen to meet you all. :wave:

If any of you guys have some advice as in do's and don't when contacting studios over there, please let me know, any advice will be greatly appreciated.
I'll be moving to Montreal next summer if everything goes smoothly with immigration, I'll have to hit some of you dudes up!
Hey Guys!

So things have been progressing along nicely, my Wife is flying to Toronto in May to write an exam, and it looks like we'll be leaving Dubai in October if all goes well.

Right now we have a few options open to us, do you mind if I pick your brains? :zombie:

Some of the places that keep coming up for my wife's work opportunities are Kelowna, Penticton, Chilliwack and Frasier Valley. Can anyone advise me on what the music industry/recording studios are like in these areas?

I will do some work in Vancouver and Toronto - Kelowna is at least sort of a mid point with an airport which will at least make flying in to either city possible.

What are your guys thoughts on this?
