who here owns the wake up and smell the carcass DVd>???


Nov 6, 2002
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Am i the only one who finds it annoying as hell how the sounds is all fucked up at the begining of a few of the videos, particularly the heartwork and Incarnated Solvent Abuse videos? is everyones like this?
Originally posted by CB101
Am i the only one who finds it annoying as hell how the sounds is all fucked up at the begining of a few of the videos, particularly the heartwork and Incarnated Solvent Abuse videos? is everyones like this?
yeah, I have the dvd and the sound quality is terrible.
Oh yes!!!!!!I bought it two weeks ago. It has promo videos that i haven`t seen some of the before and that tour from 1992 ruled!!!This is my opinion!!! It was actually cool when i noticed that they had flag on the wall at the background of "medical insruments " on the stage and same thing on Ken Owen`s drum set!!!( bassdrums ):cool: :rock:
Billy Steer looks so thin and young on the last live tour report from 1989, if i remember correctly. I wonder how old he was when he started played in Carcass..??:confused: :eek:
I have it, and i noticed that the Videos from the promo part, in some tv´s sounds like shit, but in other tv´s sounds "good", both shows should have been edited, so they could sound better, than the raw form. Anyway Carcass rules, Carcass is the shit!
I have it on VHS. The separate videos for the songs are OK but the sound quality for the live footage is crap. I was more than a little disappointed when I got it home and watched it.