Who in the fuck writes this shit anyhow?

Sometimes you just have to look at a band name to realise that drug use is quite rampant in the world today.I mean were all used to the Grinded Fetus Milkshakes and Aborted Salami Jesus Handsoaps's on Acid anymore,But The Green Evevning Requiem?
Well as much as I pondered the name I have to sit back in amazment as to how well this band is doing on Rapture Radio.I have received a billion emails requesting them and they usually read something like this"Um......I heard this band that was Green or some shit can you play it again?"or my favprite email of ther past week "Dude!that fucking green room experiance song is fucking awesome!"
You guys think my Newsletters are a bitch to decipher you ought to see some of the emails I get!
HA! HA! It's cool i usually figure it out and I love getting emails from you guys.Oh speaking of real quickly I dont know Chinease or Korean hell if you cannot tell I can barely write my own language!
So anyhow The Green Evening Requiem is the winner of the request wars this week so check em out!
Some of you will be getting this for the very first time this week,Welcome to the weekly madness called The Rapture Radio Newsletter much like anal sex some love it some hate it but it is invigorating and will fill you up(No pun intended) with great imformation.You will get one every Saturday or Sunday unless you reply with :Remove,But why would you want to do that?
We are always suprised when looking at the stats here in the studio to see who is listning. Our return listning audiance is growing!Alot of people tune in for an hour and then dont come back for some reason maybe they heard me talk about anal sex and said this place sucks!
But we have a core of listners in many places you have heard me mention before The mighty Goredrop Crue in South Africa,The Relapse Gang in Philly,An unknown number of Sick Freaks in California and our awesome freinds in the land of the maple leaf Canada!But someone in the Netherlands has been tuning in like a Mofo!So Netherlands Keep it up and thanks you Sick Freaks!(By the way hit one for me in Amsterdam will ya?)
Ok last long ass winded comment before the Top 20 I know I ramble like a school teacher.
I am convinced our forum is CURSED!What in the name of(_____________)insert your god there,Is going on with you guys!?!?!?!!?
I know your computers work you send me emals (None of which I might add are hot naked chick jpegs,And I guess i will forgive you this time!)You listen to the station etc......So why dont you get that ass to the forum?Dont know what to say?SAY ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok here is the Top 20.
1.Opus Atlanitica-Line of Fire
2.In Flames-Embody the Invisable
3.Soilwork-Figure # 5
4.Bal-Sagoth-Enthroned in the Temple of the Serphant King
5.Vintersorg-Microscopial Microcasm
6.Deception-Trapped in Hell
7.Sanctus-If We Fall
8.Dark Suns-Inside Final Dreams
9.Vehemeance-Spirit of the Soldier
10.Children of Bodom-Triple Corpse Hammerblow
12.Thyrfing-The Voyager
13.Stryper-Soldiers Under Command
14.Blinded by Faith-Under and Occult Sun
15.Amorphis-The Way
17.Diablo-Read my Scars
18.Dream Theater-Metropolis (Live)
19.Orphaned Land-The Calm before the Flood
20.Dark Suns-Infeltration

If you look close you will see 2 songs from the same band Dark Suns this is the first time ever for a band to get 2 songs in the top 20!Awesome!!!
Ok even though I rant this every damn time!
Without listners Rapture is Nothing!I appreciate all of you listning and supporting Rapture,The more you listen the better and the more people you can get to listen the better!
Thanks to Galy records,MetalQueen Managment,My hot Babe contacts Heather @CM,Vanessa@Revelation,Jen@Metal Blade I love you all and I love the rest of my contacts but you are never in my dreams in an all girl..................Am I typing out loud again????????
Have a kick ass week everyone and Tune it in and LOCK it ON!!!!!!!!!
Rapture Radio( www.raptureradio.net)
Request email :raptureradio@msn.com
Uhhhhhhhhhh I think that is all for now and yes Twan I think your hot too you beefy hotcake you,Just dont fucking tell anyone ok?!?!?!?!?

Wes Jaques/CEO and geanral fat guy of Rapture Radio :grin: