Who Isn't Ready for Anathema?

Me. Anathema is the only band this year I just cannot get into. I've tried listening to something off of almost every album and I just don't care for them. I'll give them a shot and hang for the fist 3-4 songs but if it doesn't grab me, I'm out till Falconer.
Video to get people warmed up for Anathema, the 'Were You There?' dvd which to me is still their best dvd. Yeah I said it, better than Universal :hahamiddlefinger:

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If they don't full out put an old doomy track into the setlist, they may re-interpret an old song into melodic form (perhaps for the acoustic set). I see that as a higher likelihood than seeing Vincent pull out some harsh vocals like it's 1995.
Video to get people warmed up for Anathema, the 'Were You There?' dvd which to me is still their best dvd. Yeah I said it, better than Universal :hahamiddlefinger:

Does anyone know if this will ever come out on blu-ray or at least formatted for US DVD players? As far as I know it's only PAL. :(
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Does anyone know if this will ever come out on blu-ray or at least formatted for US DVD players? As far as I know it's only PAL. :(

They recently re-released it as part of a compilation package 'Fine Days 1999-2004', I picked it up the other day. But its still the same PAL dvd version, so I thinks its unlikely we will ever see it on Blu-ray.
I had seen that but didn't know it had a DVD and since I already have those albums I wasn't going to get them again. But I guess the DVD will play in my computer, so it still might be worth getting. Thanks!
My way around the PAL problem (I have an out of print Depeche Mode DVD that I could only get in PAL and I don't have a region-free player): I used Handbrake to rip a digital copy, saved it to a flash drive, and popped it into my Roku 3, which has a USB port.

It might not be the way to go if you're really particular about your video quality, but it did the trick for me.
Crazy to think that I've (we've) been waiting for this show for 51 weeks already. Seems like yesterday... So long ago.

My love will never die.