Who posted those impulses of the Massey Massive Passive and other EQ settings?


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
I grabbed a whole slew of EQ setting impulses that included some Manley and dbx settings in them and I'm trying to find out who made them or posted them here.

WHOEVER DID, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Using the MassivePassive EQ impulse with HPF at 22Hz and the LPF at 18K sounds SOOOOO damn sweet, I can't thank you enough. I know it's only EQ, but that EQ impulse just has "it". Sweetens the whole mix.
Just for correction: the MassivePassive is made by Manley.

And Steve Massey is not George Massenburg. Gets confused all the time cause people think "Massey" is "in-the-know" lingo for Massenburg.

Maybe that is a problem in your search queries?

I don't have the impulses either, btw ...
No problem. Trying to repay all the great help I've gotten from this forum. By the way nwright...waiting to hear some more of your stuff. :) That last song you posted was just incredible sounding.
hey man
i dont know - but it works - it doesn't make anything to the mix just adds the breath! manymanymany thanks)