Who was the band in the Garmin commercial?

Steve is looking alot like Dusty Rhodes these days... :lol:

If he can steal some of Dusty's moves he will rule the stage. Of Course, he could always grab himself a Uvalde Slim mask to wear on stage :) If anyone knows whta the hell I am talking about - you are old (like me) and watched too much rasslin as a kid (I have an excuse - I was keeping tabs on one of my brothers)

It is sad that Grim Reaper never turned that corner into startdom. Nick Bowcott was damn fine on the ax. They played L'amour's back in '85 opening for, I believe it was Vinny Vincent's Invasion if I am not mistaken.
And the "I don't speak English" commercial was funny too!

Yep - I also got a laugh out of Kevin Federline for Nationwide and Charles Barkley for T-Mobile.

I also liked the e-Trade ad that suggested you could fire your stockbroker with “one finger” – although that one took a little too long to get to the punchline!