Who watches the Watchmen? Glenn Harveston apparently...


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
ProgPower USA Grand Poobah Glenn Harveston begged us to track down this band for him. He proclaimed Watchmen to be the second coming of Jorn Lande/Whitesnake and their ilk. We searched worldwide, turned over every rock, looked in every nook and cranny to find it for him. Well OK...maybe that's an exaggeration. We sent an email to our Argentinian distribution contact who supplied us with a small quantity of discs. Sure enough the Parrothead of Prog was correct. On any given track, Watchmen sound EXACTLY like classic Whitesnake or Jorn Lande at his AOR best. If this is your bag have at it as I don't expect these to last long.

http://www.lasercd.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=STAR 014
Now if only you could track down the Jens Johansen & Holdsworth album...

But I might have to pick this Watchmen album up!
I checked out those MP3s Glenn and I'd agree that the band sounds good. With that said, I have a hard time paying $15.00 + shipping on a band that's ripping another one off to that degree.

So I assume you feel the same way about Jorn's solo discs as well.

In all honesty, I don't think Jorn's solo discs sound much like Whitesnake. Yeah, he's a Coverdale clone, but I don't think the music itself sounds like snake. I don't have a problem shelling out the cash for Jorn though, because he's an established vocalist that's fronted a ton of bands. I have no clue who these guys are, so I'd like to hear a little more from them.

If I remember correctly, you dig the Wicked Sensation stuff as well and I've just never been able to get into it for whatever reason.

Great call Glenn! Rarely theres a band I dont know, and this was one of those times!

Anyways my disc just came today and HOLY SHIT this is FANTASTIC!

I'll be adding this to my radio show rotation! Thank Ken, and Glenn for making us aware of this practically unknown band!