Whoa, forgot about this forum


Progeny of Fenrir
Apr 15, 2005
Delaware, USA
Hey everyone. Most of you probably don't remember me, as I posted here infrequently and for a short while. Well, my birthday just passed and I got an email from Ultimate Metal Forums and remembered about this particular forum. I browsed through some of the older threads and it seems I should reintroduce myself and try to be a part of this community, assuming that is alright with you all. Many of you seem knowledgeable, and perhaps I could learn more from you all.

In any event, I am glad to be back and hope I get to know you all better in the time to come.
Things are going alright I guess. I have developed a sort of wanderlust over the past two years, and being rooted down so I can finish school is killing me. I have also gained a great amount of knowledge about bicycle mechanics and maintenance, and have made about 3 100+ mile excurions now. Hopefully this summer I will be biking from around Delaware to Florida, which would be an amazing experience. Ummm, learning a good deal in school, and taking german so i can start learning a language at least closer to Norwegian or Icelandic. Also just being a lazy ass really, which I am trying to stop doing.
you like cycling (road racing or mountain bike)?

Mostly road. I don't have the cash to build a good mountain bike yet. I am building a road bike and only have a track racing bike now. Its fast as hell, and I can easily keep up with cars on the main road on campus. Its not reliable for going long distances though, as the wheels are tubular, and its fixed gear so going up big hills is terrible for the knees. But yes, cycling is one of my favorite activities, though i hardly consider myself a cyclist. More an enthusiast, if you will.
I don't remember any of you fools, but welcome everyone and welcome back this guy who apparantly disappeared.

Hail Odin.