AA members in this forum


poet and madman
Oct 8, 2002
I know that Ardbeg is Johan and that several, if not all, of the other members are in this forum. I think it's cool as hell that you guys are here, but I don't know who is who and would really like to know. I think it's fucken great that you stick so close to your fans (us). Kicks ass. ...so who is who????
i dont think they want you to know who are who.....too bad, but we can start a detective thread!!! there we can discuss all the clues we find and, who knows, some time we might even get them to confess :err:
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm glad I started this...it got me nowhere. Funny shit though. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to ask the band who's who at Meltdown this weekend. (Funny but I doubt that will yield any better results.) :heh: