Whoa! The forum just suddenly changed!

Im not sold on the color scheme, but Im not paying the bills, so I have little say in the matter. Im sure it will fade to background noise soon enough. I do like the upgraded header though.
I liked the new ProgPower logo right from the start, and I'm glad the color scheme of the board was changed, after having been the same for several years, and the minty green theme looks good IMO. Though I have to say, the brown bar at the top of every post seems to conflict a bit with the rest of the color theme, especially with the grey background that's used elsewhere. Also, while retaining the beige color for text and non-viewed links looks good against the new green background, using brown for viewed links does not look so good anymore. Just some thoughts. Either way, glad to see you mix it up a bit! :)
I particularly like the triple pointy wheel in the PP XI logo. It looks very Klingon. I'll bet Klingons do great death metal, maybe we can have a Klingon band as an oddball during next year's Showcase. :)
Actually, there is a Klingon themed metal band from Portland, Oregon called STOVOKOR. They wear Klingon costumes and also sing in Klingon. There site is myspace.com/stovokor