Whoa! We Spit in the Face of the International Community Again!

from Corrente.blogspot:

Add this to the WTF list...

(Oct. 14, 2004, AP) The United States has refused to join 85 heads of state and government in signing a statement that endorsed a 10-year-old U.N. plan to ensure every woman's right to education, healthcare and choice about having children.

I am shocked, shocked, to hear this. America spitting in the face of world opinion. One would almost think that the current administration thinks the USA exists in a vacuum, and…oh, yeah. That’s right.

The Bush administration said it withheld its signature because the statement included a reference to "sexual rights."

Which, of course, would mean the right to control one's own body. Can’t have that.

Kelly Ryan, deputy assistant secretary of State, wrote to backers of the plan that the United States was committed "to the empowerment of women and the need to promote women's fullest enjoyment of universal human rights."

As long as that “fullest enjoyment of universal human rights” doesn’t include the right to control one’s own body, apparently. Would that be half-full, then? Not quite empty?

"The United States is unable, however, to endorse the world leaders' statement," Ryan said, because it "includes the concept of 'sexual rights,' a term that has no agreed definition in the international community."
I don't think it's right to include a touchy subject like abortion in with things like education and healthcare so to veto one you have to veto it all.

It's like those stupid bills that are like "Motion: all taxes on the rich will be reduced to zero" that gets attached some shit like "Addendum: establish a college fund of $5000 for every American child" so when you vote against the tax reduction you get criticized for "taking away college education from children".