Whoever last repped me..

I personally don't think that's the case...I think it's more of a act on impulse and think later kind of thing combined with a certain lack of knowledge of english language that created the situation(s)

1) You were right, I've changed my attitude, as you might see!


Your English is so perfect to extent that makes you Judge/Evaluate and Criticize everyone's else English!
I wish my English would become as half good as yours :(

And has anyone yet told you, that your English sounds like a native speaker of English!

Oh , and btw I have never spoken or wrote any English word!

God Bless Google! :kickass:
i think your problem, blacken, is that you take nothing seriously. while it is good to have a sense of humor, there is also a point of absurdity.

Thanks for the advice , although it's alittle bit too late, I've passed the point of absurdity, and now I'am stuck in the voids of emptiness and scilence, where I have nothing to do but to sit and say wtf?

thats sad
1) You were right, I've changed my attitude, as you might see!


Your English is so perfect to extent that makes you Judge/Evaluate and Criticize everyone's else English!
I wish my English would become as half good as yours :(

And has anyone yet told you, that your English sounds like a native speaker of English!

Oh , and btw I have never spoken or wrote any English word!

God Bless Google! :kickass:

my english is far from perfect and I make plenty of spelling errors(strangely enough in high school my spelling was flawless)

god bless TV...it rotts the brain but I learned most of my english from it and from my early days I watched pretty much everything and most of it was american and subtitled
I don't think you ever heard me speak any language but I've been told by a Canadian girl in University that I sound american when I speak english so I who am I to say otherwise.
The key to learn the language properly is to ask or in my case ask the translation subtitles. but the hell with english
I took the challange of learning swedish from scratch and it's been going pretty well all because I asked people to correct my mistakes and explain things to me.

now about the jokes...when people tell you, that you crossed the line...you better take it easy...no one likes a forum troll...don't try to become one
Thanks for the lesson.
I've never trolled,never tried to..
we all humans afterall and we make mistakes...
and about the jokes, how many times should I express my apologies?
An apology should come from the heart. what you're doing is just Joking around. No apology accepted.

I have enough of this forum where people only fight with each other. I will come back as soon as you start discussing BAND issues and leave out that personal wars.

We were all fans, but these days it's just a bunch of idiots lefts.

People who know me, know how they can reach me, for all the rest:
