Whore speaks. It makes noise!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
That malicious succubus of pure bolshevism, the throat-slashing, lying, corrupting, jew-baiting mass-murder, Hitlery Rodham, has uttered more damnations and blasphemies and curses unto our age.

Fortunately, you have my comments to put the mind-crushing evil of this whore of Babylon (New York) into perspective:

"We're seeing the slow and steady erosion of what made America great in the twentieth century," Clinton told her audience in an even tone. "When I got to the Senate I asked myself, What's going on here?"

You don't know what's going on in the Senate? And we're supposed to be surprised? You're the wife of a politician, not a politician! Why should anyone give you credit for anything except fucking your husband and making him breakfast?? Why those New York voters thought the bitch who (used to) fuck the president is qualified to be a Senator is still a mystery even Woody Allen can't fathom.

"At first I thought the President just wanted to undo everything my husband had done." Clinton waited a beat, then added, "And I did take that personally."

Good! Petty corruption, murders, foreign money laundering, endless bribes, disgrace, shamelessness, trials, investigations, outrages, stupidity, etc. Undo, please, undo!

"But then I thought, Wait a minute. It's not just about turning the clock back on the 1990s.... They want to turn the clock back on most of the twentieth century."

Might not be a bad thing. The 20th century was scarred by bolshevism and progressive liberalism. Untold millions died for a cause that simply ground to a halt but these hippy bitches want it for us!

"They want to turn the clock all the way back beyond Franklin Roosevelt.

Fucking Stalin's gay-lover! The man is responsible for the Trillion dollar budget our overpowering federal government has today. Turn back the clock, whore!

"Back beyond Teddy Roosevelt."

No! Wrong! Teddy was the greatest American president until our fine land was graced by the presence of Ronald Reagan. Teddy was our true patriot, builder of our fleet, and a true competitor to the Old European Empires.

"That's why they're trying to undo Social Security. Make no mistake about it."

Socialist Security is undoing itself, you brainless whore. And, "Make no mistake about it" happened to be Heinrich Himmler's favourite phrase when he exhorted his SS killing squads to herd Jews and other unwanteds to the killing pits. "Make no mistake about it, these people (wimpering old women and children) will try to kill us if we don't kill them first." Hitlery Rodham's personal beliefs.

"What I see happening in Washington," Clinton continued, "is a concerted effort by the Administration and the leadership in Congress to really create absolute power."

Uhm, that's what YOU were trying to do behind everyone's back in the 1990s, bitch. That's why your name was wrapped around every scandal that happened, from File-gate to the Lippo group to the Whitehouse motel.

"They want to control the judiciary so they can have all three branches of government.

Demoncrats had ruled all three branches for 4 decades. Time for a change.

I really don't care what party you are--that's not in the American tradition....

Bullshit! WHEN your wicked ass becomes president, you will instigate a massive terror alert, install martial law, and herd all of your critics into concentration camps.

Right now young men and women are putting their lives on the line in Iraq and Afghanistan, fighting for the America we revere.

You revere Red China, and got tons of red money to squirm into power!

And that is a country where nobody has all the answers--and nobody should have all the power....

Preaching, preaching, preaching! These fucking liberal hippy bolsheviks preach a thousand times louder and longer than Oral Roberts.

We all need to stand up for what made America great--what created a wonderful set of values that we revere, that we exported and tried to really inculcate in people around the world!"

This stupid cunt must've stolen this line from a Kerry speech. Dump on America and her leaders, and then turn around and wax patriotic. What the hell??

HITLERY is a bigger curse on America than all of the Islamic jihads combined. "Make no mistake about it."

Her fanny is the best part of her. Of course, we will not be able to see the holy derrier when she wear's her presidential uniform:


Go ahead! Unleash the beast! Vote Hitlery 2008!

You sexists are just afraid of the most intelligent, strong, and accomplished woman in the world. Hillary will be president, and she will be the greatest president we ever had. Why? Because she will erase the sexist, racist, chauvinistic Bush policies and make everyone realize there will be no peace until women are in charge. Cheney and the rest of you nazis will just have to try and enjoy the ride!

What's a confirmed pickle smooching butt pirate like you doing commenting on women at all???

Stick to what you know about FAG!!

PeacenotBush said:
You sexists are just afraid of the most intelligent, strong, and accomplished woman in the world. Hillary will be president, and she will be the greatest president we ever had. Why? Because she will erase the sexist, racist, chauvinistic Bush policies and make everyone realize there will be no peace until women are in charge. Cheney and the rest of you nazis will just have to try and enjoy the ride!

That can't be a fag. Not even the most limp-wristed, screaming, prancing, flaming faggit would be singing such a fucking sobby ballad about Hitlery. Must be a cunt. Probably a rug-munching cunt, too! Maybe she will go down on Hitlery and be her running mate as well as sexual relief.
