Who's goin To See KAMELOT?!?!?!


and his imaginary friend
Mar 4, 2005
Just what we need. 3 "Who's going to see......?" treads at once.
To all the New Yorkers, and probably the surrounding areas also, Who's going to see Kamelot at B. B. Kings, on November 21? I know one person who is! (Here's a hint: Me, bitches!)
I shall be going, the GF got me listening to them and she already loves them so really, the decision was made long before me
I will be there as well. That reminds me, I have to go buy the tickets lol.

I am taking my 16-year old cousin to the show. She mainly listens to hip-hop but once I played Surrounded from TBH and she said "wow, he has a cool voice." Hopefully I can bring her to the dark side :devil: :devil: (<----are those new?? :zombie: )
soundgarden said:
I will be there as well. That reminds me, I have to go buy the tickets lol.

I am taking my 16-year old cousin to the show. She mainly listens to hip-hop but once I played Surrounded from TBH and she said "wow, he has a cool voice." Hopefully I can bring her to the dark side :devil: :devil: (<----are those new?? :zombie: )

We need more people on the dark side. Metalheads are a minority, and that has to stop! So bring your cousin and if she likes Kamelot, tell her to show her friends.
ptah knemu said:
Metalheads are a minority...

Especially in New York. Plus when you have the media (and people like Ozzy making an ass of themselves on TV) telling everyone that we worhip Satan, its a bit hard to meet new friends.

I think I might move to Europe :D

...wow this in-post edit screen is nifty.
Damn, I really want to go, but I can't. Nothing that can be done about it, both an academic and family obligation. Oh well, another time perhaps.
I sure hope Kamelot would play in Asian destinations other than Tokyo. That's a bit of a hike from where I am.. Sigh..

I recently got "The Fourth Legacy" (I already have all other albums after that) and it still blows me away every time I listen to it. Really strong meterial.