Who's Going To Bloodstock?

I'm really looking forward to seeing Mercury Rain, Power Quest both of whoem I'm taking pics of :grin: Also Dragonforce and Nightwish. I've seen Hammerfall and Masterplan 5 times already this year and they are both killer live!! But I'm looking forward to seeing them again. If I'm not mistaken Masterplan have got a slightly longer time on stage at Bloodstock?? So it should be interesting to see what they throw in to their set list?
This should be a really great weekend, if you see me wandering around come over and say Hi as it would be nice to put faces to names :wave:
If Masterplan do the same set as they did at Wacken I'll be a happy teddy bear. Also looking forward to Hammerfall, Mercury Rain, Dragonforce, Nightwish, Saxon, Blaze, Saracen and of course Power Quest. If I get chance I'll check out some bands in the Darwin Suite also.
Oh you will recognise me as I'll be the only daft idiot with a baseball cap with "Wooks" on it!! :tickled:
I really wanted to see Hammerfall but I don't think it was meant to be. :( I just have to be happy to have gone to Wacken this year. Going to see Nightwish in London though.