whos responcable for global warming?


Internationaly known
Jan 18, 2004
Jeffersonville NY

BBC said:
More than 100 people have died after pollution in Tehran reached critical levels, health officials said.

Hospitals have reported more than 1,000 cases of heart attacks and breathing problems, while many residents are complaining of fatigue and headaches.

Public offices and schools have been closed in an attempt to reduce traffic, as the city has been covered in a thick blanket of smog.

Authorities have warned of thousands of casualties if pollution levels persist.

There is no wind or rain and the dirty air is trapped on top of the city by the mountains surrounding it, reports the BBC's France Harrison in Tehran.

An Iranian health ministry official told our correspondent the situation was very frightening.

From Monday, cars will only be allowed into the city centre on alternate days, depending on whether their number plates start with odd or even numbers.

Authorities have blamed the severe smog on emissions from the capital's three million cars, many of which lack modern exhaust filters.

It is estimated that up to 5,000 people die every year from air pollution in the city.

Looks like the Iranians are killing themselves....slowly