Who's the band in the new Jetta commercial?


May 23, 2003
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Maybe somebody saw it already, its a guy picking up his boss and 2 of his co-workers to the airport, they are talking about giving the driver a promotion or whatever, then the boss touchs the radio saying he wants to see the weather before he leaves. all of a second you hear black/death metal song being played making the guys deaf or whatever. Anybody know what that song was, very catchy.
that commercial made me laugh pretty hard because I can relate to that situation (with girls and parents, not coworkers).

no idea who the song is by.
That is pretty funny. Interesting how its selling the wrong product to you. I think they wanted you to buy a Jetta, not seek out the CD track. :)
HAHAHA just saw the commercial, it rocked.

I'm sure most of the GMD fags see the band is HARDCORE OH NOEOEOESSS!!!!111 and immediately jump to conclusions, but the 4 seconds that play sounded pretty nice and brutal.
well from what ive heard of diecast it IS IN FACT hardcore and gay...
Yep. I used to listen to them a lot actually, back when I was into hardcore, and I have their first two releases. They are actually not bad, as far as hardcore bands go, but they certainly sound nothing like black/death metal.
Does anyone remember that burger king commercial where theres like three guys in an old beat up van and they're headbanging and eating burgers and then this cop comes up to them and gives'em shit. Can anyone recall what song they were headbanging to?