Wow so much to reply to!

Here we go....
I also saw some of the J-Rock bands at the recent tour wtih Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, et. al.
Unf! I missed the entire tour because I wasn't paying attention. I was up to my eyebrows in European and Brazilian bands so the Japanese bands and everyone else took a back seat for a while. Didn't intend for that happen, I don't listen to music by country (lol!)... not to mention I would never pay attention t the Taste of Chaos tour anyway. I could just slap myself for missing a single DéspairsRay or MUCC show in the U.S., muchless a whole major national tour *puts on the dunce hat*
J-Rock needs to be pushed more here
I'd love to see bands from Japan get more exposure definitely, especially in the U.S.!
Going to listen to Versailles more though and see if this can't grow on me.
\m/ Sweet! "Love From a Dead Orchestra" is my favorite, followed closely by "Red Carpet Day" --- all their songs can be found on YouTube.
this band is alright but I think they "borrow" a little too much from X-Japan, both image and music wise.
*falls prostrate and worships at the mighty alter of Hideto Matsumoto*
Everyone borrows from X JAPAN!

It's impossible to be a metal band from Japan and
not be compared to X JAPAN - even moreso for the visually-oriented bands. It's usually a bogus comparison.
1. Totally different image. Just because they're both metal bands from Japan with crazy hair and costumes and sing in Japanese =/= copy-catting. It simply means they share a style of music and like to put effort into their stage appearance.
2. X JAPAN is a classic metal/hard rock band and Versailles is a symphonic power metal band. This is like saying Angra borrowed from Motley Crue.
3. The immediate comparison to another Japanese band emphasizes my point that people see non-English music as a separate entity. Why not compare Versailles to Dream Evil? They sound more alike and both have elaborate stage costumes.
All that said, I'm not trying to pick a fight.

Versailles love X JAPAN and even played on the Hide Memorial Summit last month honoring the late guitarist.
My favorite visual kei band is Malice Mizer! And Loudness (kidding). Dir En Grey are pretty much nu-metal imo....Galneyrus would be the best pick for prog power though!
LOL@Loudness! ((for the record, I love that band - they're just not the only band to come from Japan that's worthy of attention. See: Hizaki Grace Project))
Malice Mizer = classic. I was real upset when they disbanded, but at least they left behind a huge amount of material. Have you heard the guitarist's "new" band Moi dix Mois? Even heavier, darker, and creepier!
...that's a dude...........?

And yes he looks that flawless in person! *Note: this is a stage costume, people. I promise they don't go to the grocery store or pump gas in a Victorian dress.

However, I did see them doing "normal" things while in their stage clothes and it was .... bizarre. They had just finished a photo shoot and were killing time before the next thing on their schedule. Watching Hizaki (the one in the picture) walk around the hotel lobby with a video camera and drinking from a water bottle while seeing Teru flipping through a magazine all the while looking like time-traveling aristocratic vampires =
My favorite J-rock band is definitely D'espairsRay, but Versailles kick ass too. I've only got a few others that I listen to currently, though (namely Suicide Ali, alice nine., and Malice Mizer).
All good bands! I'm still warming up to alice nine. after being put off by all the fangirls shoving them down my throat. Same with Gazette/the GazettE. Suicide Ali is a recent discovery for me but I really like what I've heard! Did you see DéspairsRay on the Taste of Chaos tour? I wish this topic came up a few months ago, then maybe y'all could have made it out here for the Versailles show!! ^_^
YES! Sigh are great!
For anyone who doesn't know, Sigh are going on a U.S. tour with Zimmer's Hole in September! Since the X JAPAN show has been post-poned, I won't have to miss this tour!
Sep. 06 - San Marcos, CA @ Jumping Turtle
Sep. 07 - Anaheim, CA @ Chain Reaction
Sep. 08 - Hollywood, CA @ Knitting Factory
Sep. 09 - Tempe, AZ @ The Clubhouse
Sep. 10 - Albuquerque, NM @ Launch Pad
Sep. 11 - Ft Worth, TX @ Ridglea Theater
Sep. 12 - San Antonio, TX @ White Rabbit
Sep. 13 - Houston, TX @ Meridian
Sep. 14 - Nashville, TN @ The Muse
Sep. 15 - West Springfield, VA @ Jaxx
Sep. 16 - New York City, NY @ B.B. King Blues Club & Grill
Sep. 17 - Montreal, QUE @ FouFounes
Sep. 18 - Sudbury, ONT @ Jubilee Centre
Sep. 19 - Toronto, ONT @ Wreck Room
Sep. 20 - Cleveland, OH @ Peabody's
Sep. 21 - Mokena, IL @ The Pearl Room
Sep. 22 - St Paul, MN @ Station 4
Actually, it looks like there is a bigger push for J-Rock in the states. At least, I see it a lot more at anime cons. It is kinda hard to get out of that niche, tho, particularly when you have mostly non-english vocals.
Eventhough I agree with you, I still don't understand the aversion to non-english vocals. I've been working real hard on opening up other avenues for these bands besides the anime cons. There are a few venues along the west coast and in New York that are hosting Japanese bands, so that's a start! GLAY just announced 3 shows in California, Versailles played there, Miyavi, the super group S.K.I.N.... \m/
There is definitely a bigger push for these bands in the U.S. and it's getting better and better! Did you know that there is an entire festival devoted to j-rock bands?! 
The first one was held in 2007 and they plan to do another one, just not sure when yet. There's even talk of it possibly being in Dallas!
Why do people keep calling this "J-Rock"? Can't it be Progressive Power Metal in the Angra, Symphony X, Rhapsody vein?
I think the first step to getting the bands more exposure is to stop pigeon-holing them with labels like "j-rock" eventhough I'm guilty of using it too. I won't get too deep but it's amazing how much a simple "tag" or "label" can affect a band. For example the "Christian" label on many metal and rock bands. Many of them are brilliant musicians who deserve as much recognition as many other "secular" artists, but that label puts off (many) people in the metal world. You've all seen it :Smug: "J-Rock" tells people "this is different than rock, therefore you don't have to treat it the same" yet the musicians are playing the very same styles we all love - and sometimes better!
On the other hand, many bands from Japan DO have melodic differences from regular Western rock and metal and the "J-Rock" tag serves to distinguish that fact, as well as the language of the lyrics. I still hate the label and I use it begrudgingly. The whole community perpetuates it, perhaps to set themselves apart from other fans...? Not sure. Creating a festival that is just for "j-rock" bands and calling it "J-Rock Revolution" doesn't help in preventing sub-categorization.
I can't tell you how bizarre it was to be in the crowd at Versailles. One thing I gotta say for j-rock is it brings together people who wouldn't be in the same room otherwise. I stood there wondering why other symphonic power metal bands don't have legions of rabid 15 year-old fangirls, or if these girls in lolita dresses or vk makeup would even LIKE power metal or be there to see Versailles if the band weren't already lumped in with the "j-rock" and "visual kei" tags. It still confuses me. I guarantee if I played, say, Angra (a big influence on the band) for any of the people in that room, 95% wouldn't have heard of them before, 60% of those people would probably automatically hate it and say "I don't like metal" ("but... Versailles IS metal") - yet ALL of them screamed for the band and sung along with every lyric. That confuses me more than a man in a dress on a stage.
Sorry for the long reply!

Thank goodness for the multi-quote button!

I'll leave you all with an example of Hizaki's guitar chops: