Who's Voting?


Daemonic Mage
Sep 29, 2004
Ft. Payne, AL.
I just wanted a few opinions on our countrys' political state, and if you're voting who for and why. I'm locally, I'm voting yes on our alcohol issue because I really want to open a metal club here and I can't do that without being able to serve alcohol there. Nationally, I'm voting for Kerry because I really don't like what Bush has done to our country and other countries as well, and I would love to see him go back to Texas to stay. :yuk:
I'm voting for Michael Badnarik, because i'm a Libertarian, annd while i know he wont be the winner, im sick of voting for the lesser of two evils, either way, you just get evil. locally, theres some dumbass shit about a monorail that'll go from orlando to tampa, which is retarded consifering its an hour and a half drive....
Oh yeah the reasons:

*Womens rights are at stake
*Stem cell research, Bush calls it giving us false hope, well I'd rather have false hope than no hope
*If we don't do something about our job climate China & India will own us
*Bush will appoint someone in the vein of Ashcroft to the Supreme Court
*bin Laden enjoys freedom to this day, and Bush doesn't give him much thought
*The lines that seperate Church and State are sought to be broken
*Intolerance cannot be tolerated

Any metalhead that votes for Bush is in fact unmetal.
I'm only 17 damnit, but I'd vote for Kerry because Bush is going to get us all killed, along with people from other nations and cause more terrorism. Also I like Kerry's idea to give tax relief (I think it was that) to businesses that operate only in the United States so the big businesses will higher people from US and make more jobs and boost economy and such.
The biggest thing that pisses me off about bush is that him and his fuckhead followers dont realize that there is supposed to be a seperation between church and state. Anyone who bases his policies on a made up story is a lunatic.
I wish blacks could vote, but unfortunately here in florida Jeb Bush and his staff alter their votes
with a country of USA's power, it actually wouldn't be a bad idea for the world to vote on our president, especially in this election, because it will effect the world no matter who is elected (this isn't American egotism, just realism).
ANYONE but Bush.....'04

Everything is so fake and rigged in congress,.....They never caught Saddam Hussien, it's just an imposter,.....AND JUST WATCH,.....10 BUCKS SAYS RIGHT BEFORE THE ELECTION DATE, THEY'LL FIND OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

They'll pull off this act in hopes to change everyone's vote at last minute. Fuckin makes me sick.