Who's your favorite GUITARIST?


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Alright boys and girls, what makes us all metal fans? The love of LOUD, FAT guitars!!!!!!!!!!! So who are some of your favorites and why?!?!

Obviously mine are TED NUGENT, EDDIE VH, AND ACE FREHLEY! Why? Cause they're all badass sons o' bitches! hehe Well, nowadays Ace can't hardly sign his own name and Ed has mellowed but TED is better than ever. Anyways, all 3 of these guys inspired me not only to play guitar but to love music in general. I love everything from bluegrass to slayer and everything in between. If it has guitars, I probably like it. Now, if we're talking straight up METAL guitarists then my three are as follows:

Alex Skolnik - Made TESTAMENT what they were!
Dimebag Darrell - whether you love or hate Pantera he flat out RIPS!
Kerry MF'n King! - SLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What else do you need to know?

Let's hear your picks, guys!
Ed Mundell is probably my favorite right now. Not as much for his Monster Magnet work as his Atomic Bitchwax stuff. Other than Ed, Tony Iommi, Warren Haynes, Robin Trower & Woody Weatherman come to mind. Probably not the stuff most of you would agree with, but I prefer soul over shred.

Ted - Criss Olivia (1963-1993 R.I.P.) was in Savatage.
First of All Criss Oliva was great. Would have been huge by now I think. As would Randy Rhoads.
If I were to pick a few they would be as follows:
1) Stevie Ray Vaughan
2) Mick Mars (The Silent Shredder)
3) Michael Schenker(when he's on he's on)
4) James Hetfield(great rythm player)
5) Billy Gibbons(what a fucking tone!)
*there's like 30 others including the two people mentioned at the beginning of my post!
TROOPER, you are my kind people! Great picks. And your photo rules. VINNIE! Say, I'm guessing you play...what all gear do you have???? I am not in a band so my setup is small but I play all the time. Just a Takamine acoustic, a Fender Strat, and last year my wife let me get a Peavey Wolfgang. I'm done. Though I still want a bc rich warlock one day just for METAL's sake! haha
Peavey bandit 112 amp. small but good sounds.


JEFF LOOMIS(nevermore)

AMMOT BROTHERS(arch enemy)



VERNON REID(living colour)


EDDIE VAN HALEN(van halen)

TREY SPRUANCE(mr bungle)
Dave Murray
Adrian Smith
Randy Rhoads
Zakk Wylde
Tony Iommi
James Hetfield
Dave Mustaine
Kai Hansen
Jon Schaffer
Angus Young
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Ted Nugent
Eddie Van Halen
Alex Skolnik
Dimebag Darrel
Glenn Tipton
K.K. Downing
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