Why all the Hammerfall bashing?

Rattlesnake said:
I had a whole thing here, but the stupid server deleted it, saying I wasn't logged in. Bullshit!

I've experienced the same "need to log in" thing a few times. I freaked out the first few times that happened because I didn't want to lose what I wrote (and thought I did), but when I relogged in (at the window it asks from), it all reappeared. However, before I learned that, I lost everything because I was hitting the 'back' command and trying to relogin someplace else. Don't know if that's what happened to you, but if it is, then just login on the screen that says to login. Seems to be some timer on logging people out if it doesn't see any command movement. It used to not have this timer. Maybe a future version of the software can better this by not logging people out or posting a text message saying your information is not lost, just log back in here, or something like that.
Do you guys hit the "remember me" box? I check that on any board running Vbulletin.

I got booted a few times on here like you guys describe then started checking the "remember me" box.

Hammerfall like, really sucks" "Yeah Butthead, they suck, I saw I poster of them at Stewart's house, aaaiahhhhhhhgggggg, change the channel, Butthead!"
Does anyone have an intelligent reply? Or the same moronic bullshit? So far, I've heard nothing that makes any logical sense. You shit-talkers sound like the same people who think bashing other bands proves your dedication to Maiden. Yet, you decide Maiden sucks every time Bruce jumps ship, and love them again when he decides to come back for a couple years. So the question in this thread is still open. And this time I want to hear from people who think of Iron Maiden as more than just Bruce Dickinson's back-up band.
Easy there, turbo. The first 2 replies were trying to help you with your login troubles, and the second 2 were just goofing on Beavis and Butthead.

As far as the Hammerfal bashing goes, I haven't seen any nor have I done any. Hell, I have never even heard the guys. But, if their entry on the BNR Metal Pages is an accurate depiction of their sound, I would probably like them.

Finally, what sort of responses were you expecting when you said "I had a whole thing here, but the stupid server deleted it, saying I wasn't logged in. Bullshit!" but then didn't bother to retype it so others would know of a more specific direction you were coming from?

The world is your oyster, dude. Go shuck off.
My reply was only aimed at Kellver's post. I appreciate the free tech support. As for retyping, when you spend the time and effort organizing your thoughts into a somewhat lengthy post, only to have it disappear completely, see how much you feel like retyping. Besides, the question alone should be enough to spark discussion. And I have seen several posts bashing Hammerfall on this board. I just want to know where it comes from. You'd think Maiden fans would like Hammerfall or at least grudingly tolerate them. But the posts I've read regarding them reflect pure hatred. There's gotta be a better target for derision. What about all these cookie-monster deathcore bands who think your're some kind of glam-faggot if your vocalist can actually sing? Or those heroin-shooting Sunset Strip transvestites that all but killed heavy metal for the American market? Maybe the euro-power metal scene is a bit oversaturated right now. But at least, they have some idea of what metal is about. And yes, they were probably all inspired by Maiden. So what? That doesn't mean they're ripping them off. Everyone is inspired by someone. Even Maiden! The only way an artist can be truly original is if he spent his entire life on the moon. That's all I'm saying.
I like Hammer Fall & I get shit in certain "Purist" circles for admitting that.They remind me more of Helloween in their style.There's s certain dated Cheese factor about them but they do it so well & play Metal like it's supposed to be played.They're quite refreshing in the age of Mallcore Nu Metal Garbage.
It seems like you can't please these old school Metal Elitist types(wich I do tend to fall in that category alot myself)These Elitist types think euro Power Metal is Gay,Norwegian Black Metal with the corpse paint (or as the Elitists like to call it "Make up") is gay and both those genres are very much for the crusade of what True Metal is.You think these kinds of bands would be accepted with open arms but they seem to get as much hate as the much more deserving Nu Metal & Metallica.Seems like these Purist/Elitists want to live in the past & in the 80's for ever:confused:
FWIW I never heard of them so I went to their website and heard some samples.

Danny nailied it in that I thought similar to Helloween. Now I am old school (41) and actually liked what I heard specifically becasue there was harmony, melody, rhythm, and a singer who didn't sound like he had ebola of the throat.

I hate shit that can't be understood. When the singer sounds like a blown speaker in a bass amp it is shit!

kellver said:
Hammerfall like, really sucks" "Yeah Butthead, they suck, I saw I poster of them at Stewart's house, aaaiahhhhhhhgggggg, change the channel, Butthead!"
That you have stuck to HammerFall it is normal group, there are good songs, not all but is more than half.
p.s. Нехуй пиздить, когда сами даже близко к их жопе не подобрались!!!!!!!!!!
There are some weird tastes across the pond. Hammerfall is big in Europe and not seen as a total joke (as most of the U.S. views them) and David Hasselhoff has a dozen platinum albums over there.....a coincidence? I think not! :D
I hate to you tell those two things are completely unrelated, but they are. The people who bought Hasselhoff's albums are not metalheads, let alone Hammerfall fans. As for Europe in general, NOBODY who appreciates metal has any cause to bash Europe. Europe has always been more open to heavy metal in all its forms than this pussy country. The FLAGgots can berate me all they want, but you've got to admit it: As great as this country may be in other respects, we are generally pussies musically speaking. It's always us that burn rock records and try to sue Judas Priest or Ozzy when our retarded sons shoot themselves. And for the longest time this country did everything it could to pretend metal didn't exist, whereas in Europe it was respected as much as every other form of music.
It's especially imbecilic to bash Europe on a Maiden forum. Where do you think you'll find a larger and more dedicated Iron Maiden fanbase, there or here? Where the hell do you think Maiden is from, SEATTLE?
It's as much a mystery to me as it is to you why Hasselhoff is so beloved there, but he's not exactly an unknown here. And look at the no-talent assfucks we put on a pedestal. Is Hasselhoff any lamer than Britney Spears, Fred Durst, or Paris Hilton?
So while the Hasselhoff reference makes a cute joke, it also makes a stupid argument. You're gonna have to come up with a better way to make your points. It wasn't even that funny the first time.
Since first reading this post I have bought 3 Hammerfall albums, and I have to agree that they are cheesy as all hell. That's not to say I don't like them, but I can take the objective point of view and see where others are coming from in their opinions.

You might save yourself some headaches if you take into account that not everyone shares the same tastes you do, Rattlesnake.

You're lecturing the wrong person on tolerance. I'm not the one who threatened physical violence on the next "pud" I catch blasting some band I don't like. Nor am I one to tell anyone on this board to "shuck off". As a fan of the music I like, I have taken way more shit than I've dished out. I don't care what opinions people have as much as why they have them. As harsh as some of my comments may have been, all I've tried to do is get people to have the same objective point of view you preach. Only because it seems that all the bashing and shit-talking is usually backed up by the most retarded logic. Why classify me as someone who can't respect other people's tastes when I have to look over my shoulder to make sure no one goes "Axl-meets-cameraman" on me because of what's playing on my stereo?
One thing that sets metal apart from other forms of music is the unity of its fanbase. I love it when two total strangers become instant friends just because of the concert shirts they're wearing (even if they're of different bands). I don't want the metal community to succumb to the same "east side, west side" bullshit that plagues the rap scene. But ever since the internet, I've seen it slowly creeping in. That includes the overuse of the word "cheesy". Have you ever heard of the "Pantera Sucks" website? Some goofball went to the trouble of designing this huge website dedicated to proving just that. I don't really like Pantera, but the very idea appalled me, especially since the only basis for this guy's irrational hatred stems from the fact that Pantera wasn't always a thrash band. Seems that before they got signed to a major label, they played more traditional metal, thereby making them a glam band. Oh yeah, didn't anyone tell you? Anything pre-grunge is glam. So I guess we're all a bunch of glam rockers and didn't even know it. Anyone who can explain that logic deserves a Nobel prize.
So sorry if I seem intolerant of other people's intolerance. I guess that's just a "cheesy" quality I have. But having said that, I appreciate the fact that you bought not one but three of Hammerfall's albums. Even if you had hated them, at least you gave them a decent shot.
In the meantime, just remember that if everyone else has a right to air their opinions any way they want (especially in a public forum), I have a right to air mine without being lumped in with narrow-minded purists.