Why am I drunk after 6 hhrs sleep?


Blinded By The Light...
Jul 15, 2001
Not just tipsy or drunk, but apparently EXACTLY as drunk as I was when I left town last night.

Please Explain. :erk:

Work in half an hour or so should be.... 'fun'. *Sigh*

Course it didn't help when I ran into my immediate boss once or twice last night (my memory is fuzzy but it ain't THAT funny).

Guess this is one of those things you don't talk about the next time you (I) run into him, considering how old he is, and it's my only saving grace seeing as I'll be..... less than able, at work today.

Anyone else experienced this before... I'm looking at you Tal? :Smug:

Maybe it's because:


Ugh...yeah. My whole body hurts from playing Circle Of Death the other night and proceeding to guzzle down the whiskey like a priest. I swear my IQ drops 40 points on Friday nights.
I have woke up still drunk before, but it doesnt happen often. My first instance was my second night in Finland actually when me and my buddy here killed a whole bottle of whiskey and some other stuff, I passed out at I think maybe 5 am and didnt get up till 3...and I was still a little drunk after that. But it doesnt happen too often, when it does its cos I drink till about 5 am or something. But ill tell you the hangover i had yesterday didnt go away til about 2 am. Sheesh. Took quite a bit of alcohol to make it go away.
AlexiFollower said:
just be glad you didnt wake up with a really bad hangover
nah. a bad hangover I can handle. This though (and at work too).... :erk:

Been a really 'kin weird week for me anyway, went to work again on Monday and I swear to got that someone slipped something into my OJ for breakfast (not that anyone possibly could have), cos I couldn't think straight aaaalllll day. Couldn't conentrate on any one thing for more than a few moments, also didn't really notice things which weren't right in front of my face. Twas like I was on something. Really nasty buisness that. At least I've been slowly getting better during the week. Seems like I'm almost back to normal. :) And NO WORK TOMORROW! :grin:
Oooooh I woke up drunk several times, its kinda funny :) At least hungover isnt the very first thing in the morning you feel, usualy its pain caused by falling down during trying to get off the bed. Its also interesting when you're getting slowly hungover after some time after waking up, once it happed during classes... that was nightmare :)
what you need is more alcohol. you know how i prevent hangovers? i drink a shit load of water while i drink beer, eat afterwards. the following morning i start my day off with some alcohol, food (like eggs), gatorade, and more water. im golden afterwards.