why are metal muscicains more interested in classical music?


Nov 30, 2003
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i was wondering, why are we metal muscians more interested in classical music than other rock muscians? i mean ive never seen a grunge or alternative guitarrist throw in some classical or baroque'ish' stuff in their solos or songs, yet many metal guitarrists (myself included) love to listen to calssical music and solo in a very baroque style. just wondering...
Its not METAL that is interested in it, I mean I dont hear death metal bands playing classical sounding riffs hehe, but its just mostly the shred that gets us into it, because we need faster solos, and it gets boring to play the same notes or scales all the time. That just made no fucking sense, but meh....
What do you mean by "minor keys"? :err:

I think metal lends itself more to be mixed with classical music than any other genre. It would sound a bit strange to play a harmonic minor pedal tone lick in the middle of a grunge song. This is just a personal opinion, but I think metal and classical (mostly baroque, classical and romantic) can be mixed with better results. Another reason may be the lack of proficiency of the musicians in some other genres such as alternative and grunge (Yes, that was my favourite prejudice). But than again, most metal guys are pretty bad musicians (IMHO). What I like about the genre is that the good ones are almost (yes, I know about jazz :p) as good as it gets.
I think metal musicians often strive for ways to be more creative. Some study classical, some jazz, some even blues and some many different styles. I don't like country music at all, but I can listen to some of the top bluegrass players all day because of how talented they are as musicians. I never cared for much radio rock, but I wore out a Spin Doctors CD because the guitarist used very odd jazz inspired chord progressions that I thought were cool. Like Indiooo stated, some of the best musicians in the world are metal musicians and in order to keep on top of things and expeand their skills, learning other styles of music can take them into new directions.

I'm one of those musicians who not only listens to many different styles, but fuses different styles together in my playing or singing. I suck at guitar, so I tend to do more hippified chord strumming, almost folk-like with some brooding dark themes and powerfully sung vocals. Best Metal example I can give for the type of guitar work I usually do is "Fiddler on the Green" (Demons & Wizards) When I stand alone and sing metal vocals, I'm more of an old school Maiden/Metallica/Warlock type. Yet, when I sing melodic/prog/power metal, I'm more operetic and clean. Classical is really the root of music, so you could say anyone takes anything from Classical music I guess unless it's three-chord manufactured garbage or "experimental" out-there music.
I think that if you parallel the two - Metal music that is really well done, and Classical music, they are very similar in some respects and relate to each other very well. In my opinion, I think musicians in all genres should study classical, simply because of the beauty of much of the work the masters did (but that's just my opinion - what the hell do I know)...
The answer is so simple..

Metal music and classical music are two genres which requires real good talent. (also jazz)

they are the real music. I don't see rap, pop or alternative rock as real music..

(that's my idea. you don't need to agree.. )
m0rtis said:
The answer is so simple..

Metal music and classical music are two genres which requires real good talent. (also jazz)

they are the real music. I don't see rap, pop or alternative rock as real music..

(that's my idea. you don't need to agree.. )

I agree and disagree. There are probably some radio rock bands out there that could give some metal bands a run for their money, but they choose fame and fortune over artistic expression. Not to say that is necessarily a bad thing. Bands like Fuel and Nickelback have some pretty heavy stuff (not the hits btw) and could be a "stepping stone" to people who really haven't been exposed to much metal. That's not to say I am big fans of those bands, but they have good emotic vocalists, play solos, don't rap and have at least a mediocre amount of technicality in their music.

I as an aspiring musician spend most of my time listening to metal of course and Jazz (fusion) with a little bit of classical. I don't know why so many metallers like classical but I think the reason would be because there are so much intense music in these genres with a lot of top musicianship. Just my opinion but this is what I feel anyway.
Mortis I fully agree with what you are trying to say there.
Well I was driving along, listening to the new All That Remains album, This Darkened Heart some time after I had read this post, and listening to the first track, a little before the solo section I found the simple answer to the question. Its just a damn awesome combination and there's no way around it.
Aside from that I just want to say that its music that you can tell people put time into that attracts me, for the most part. Classical and metal just happen to fit into that category. Of course there are metal bands that throw crap together really quickly, but you can hear it in their songs, and I don't like them.
Jazz is a whole other category, where the musicians have mastered their instument and countless scales and modes and chord relationships. I would love to get a couple jazz musicians together and play some metal, in a similar style of four-bar blues. That would fucking rock, imo.
In my belief , i find classical music a very powerfull sound that can be compared to metal on it´s complexity and ability to reach on our souls where other sounds are just a minor element of our daily routine. If i had to choose between hip hop or classical of course i´d choose classical , it´s just that union of elements hiting you from every direction.
With this i mean that the «mix» of metal and classical is as creative and difficult , as it is inevitible.
Have you heard «Damnation and a Day» from Cradle of Filth? That is my favourite on this kind of «mix».
If you talk about structure , the influence on the latest bands is an attempt to reach new sonorities , along with the millenium brand of reaching on a renoval of old movies and metal sounds. I believe it´s a very interesting perspective on metal. The briliant fusion...when a band can do it , it will become the ultimate sound.
IMO, it's because modern metal musicians don't usually play blues-based scales. even as far back as early priest, those guys were playing full modal scales with harmonies and such.

and since baroque and classical music has some of the earliest and most "foundational" examples of this sort of thing, it makes sense for us to go back to the source when learning our craft, especially when it comes to melodic soloing over moving chord progressions
monkey see..monkey do....thats why. just as in pop culture, everybody wants to be cool. :Smokin: :Smokin: