They can't be that are to find, I've managed to consume these:
NEVERMORE- 1992 Demo (Demo On CDR)
NEVERMORE- Stuttgart, Germany 3/2/99 (2CDs/Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Bottleneck, Lawrence, KS 12/4/00 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Chicago, IL 1/16/00 (live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Denver, CO 9/29/99 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Ludwigsburg, Germany 5/17/98 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Riley's Rockhouse, Aurora, IL 12/2/00 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Satyricon, Portland, OR 12/8/00 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Jaxx, Springfield, VA 5/6/01 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Jaxx, Springfield, VA 9/21/01 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Roadhouse, Sacramento, CA 9/8/01 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Creepy Crawl, St louis, MO 4/23/01 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Peabody's, Cleveland, OH 7/5/99 (2CDs/Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- JJ Kelly's, Lansing, IL 9/15/01 (Live Bootleg)