why are nevermore bootlegs so hard to find?

hmmmm I seem to have no problem finding live videos myself, I have at least one if not two from every tour. I even have that Seattle show from I think it was 92 or 93 with the chicks singing backup and if I remember correct there was a different drummer (?)
They can't be that are to find, I've managed to consume these:

NEVERMORE- 1992 Demo (Demo On CDR)
NEVERMORE- Stuttgart, Germany 3/2/99 (2CDs/Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Bottleneck, Lawrence, KS 12/4/00 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Chicago, IL 1/16/00 (live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Denver, CO 9/29/99 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Ludwigsburg, Germany 5/17/98 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Riley's Rockhouse, Aurora, IL 12/2/00 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Satyricon, Portland, OR 12/8/00 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Jaxx, Springfield, VA 5/6/01 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Jaxx, Springfield, VA 9/21/01 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Roadhouse, Sacramento, CA 9/8/01 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Creepy Crawl, St louis, MO 4/23/01 (Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- Peabody's, Cleveland, OH 7/5/99 (2CDs/Live Bootleg)
NEVERMORE- JJ Kelly's, Lansing, IL 9/15/01 (Live Bootleg)
well, if they're hard to find, it probably means that they suck live and no one wants to distribute their bootlegs
well, if they're hard to find, it probably means that they suck live and no one wants to distribute their bootlegs

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