Why Ayreon, Avantasia, etc will never happen here...


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
These type of one-off shows are simply not possible.

1. You have to coordinate a date with everyone's schedule.
2. You have to pay everyone. I hate to tell you, but not everyone is interested in performing for free when they have mouths to feed. It would take insane money to get it done in some cases.
3. The level of interest is just not there. Why fly over to the States to do a one-off show that will not effect your bands in terms of a promotional push and sales impact?
4. Rehearsals. You have to get everyone together in advance for a minimum of a week to rehearse. Guess what? You have to pay everyone for that week as well including hotel costs, studio time, instrument rentals, food per diems per day, travel arrangements, etc.
5. Then you have to get them to the show after all of that.
6. Visa restrictions could nail you. You cannot approach this as a work visa because you have to prove to the goverment that you have been a band for x amount of years with stable members, documentation, etc. The U.S. borders are insane now.
7. There are some hardcore people out there, but do you think the general masses would fly to Atlanta and spend hundreds of dollars on top of that for a single night show? It's certainly not going to happen to the level of making a profit on a show.

I do appreciate that some of you think I can pull off miracles with shows like that or reunions (Kiske? never in a million years). However, you need to scale back your expectations.

Glenn H.
So we can't ask you to do a Metallica one-off with Cliff Burton? Can't be too expensive... ;)
Glenn, I just think some people have to think a little bit before saying that they expect some of these dream sideprojects to appear at ProgPower.... Seriously, I see a lot of people talking about Ayreon, Star One, Avantasia, Kiske with Helloween... come on, you guys are SMART, that's just impossible, everyone should have a minimum of common sense and realize all of those factors without Glenn even mentioning... Expecting to see Ayreon or Kiske with Helloween it's plain ludacris in my opinion!
I know it won't happen without some sort of miracle (read: 1:1 million chance), but its nice to dream :cool:.

If all it took were more money, if I had it I'd donate it.
AngraRULES said:
Glenn, I just think some people have to think a little bit before saying that they expect some of these dream sideprojects to appear at ProgPower.... Seriously, I see a lot of people talking about Ayreon, Star One, Avantasia, Kiske with Helloween... come on, you guys are SMART, that's just impossible, everyone should have a minimum of common sense and realize all of those factors without Glenn even mentioning... Expecting to see Ayreon or Kiske with Helloween it's plain ludacris in my opinion!
Most people know these will never happen. They are just saying what they would like to see, like...not expect or demand...like to see. No harm in that, as far as I can see, just people's hopes and wishes and only that. No harm...no foul.
Dude, the thing is.. there IS people that actually consider those... I understand people that would LIKE to see these bands, but I have seriously seen people actually counting on their presence, considering them real options....

I don't blame the ones that want to see it, I just think that the ones that actually THINK they will be in ProgPower or are counting on it should get a life =)
Sure, there are always some that will have unreal expectations, but I still think the majority of people here are just fantasizing out loud. Though, as you say, there are some who will have no grasp on reality.
AngraRULES said:
Expecting to see Ayreon or Kiske with Helloween it's plain ludacris in my opinion!

Kiske with Helloween and an Ayreon show are two completely different things. Yeah, it is ludicrous to expect the Kiske show simply b/c Helloween is alive and well without him (that makes no sense, especially considering Kiske is so far removed from Helloween). On the other hand, seeing Ayreon does not seem so ludicrous to me. Yeah, if you classify seeing Ayreon as seeing Arjen with 20 people, then yeah, but i don't see why it would be such a fiasco to have him play here with 2 or 3 singers (sort of what he did with Star One). I mean look at what Therion is bringing over here; granted, it will not be a full orchestra, but they are brining a bunch of people. I think people would be pretty content having Arjen play here with Russel Allen, Damian Wilson, and maybe Floor and/or Irene Jansen.

Is that dreaming? To me it seems similar to bringing any other band over. Yeah, it may be a bit harder to coordiante and cost a bit more, but I would assume most people would be content with just seeing a part of Ayreon/Star One than seeing nothing at all.
nightwish58 said:
and cost a bit more, but I would assume most people would be content with just seeing a part of Ayreon/Star One than seeing nothing at all.

The quote I got on Star One would have been twice the amount that I have paid for *any* band that has graced my stage.

The reason Star One live was possible was because it was a tour, not a single show. Costs were recouped and money made.

If someone wants to step up and split the cost of the show with me, I'm all ears.

Glenn H.
Ok you obviously missed some of the point. You cannot compare Therion to Ayreon. Therion tours WITH those people, as in it's a no-brainer easy to bring them to the US for a tour. Ayreon/Avantasia/Miss Mercuria pick one.. they are projects and will 99% remain that way unless something happens far far away in a land called "NottheUSA".

I've stated in about every one of these threads the same things the man, Glenn, himself has stated. All the people involved in these things would be a nightmare for any promoter short of first name God to put together. Even just a handful as you stated, all these people are in other bands that take priority from making a hundred or so people's nights. Rehearsal, visas, everything the man said not to mention conflicts with their real jobs/bands.

As for the Helloween reunion I hope they are headliners this year or a some year with the current lineup so the select few of you can do nothing but complain that "ohh it would've been better if Kiske & Kai were here" while the rest of us enjoy a good metal show. You people will never be satisfied or so it seems from the constant dreaming about these subjects.

To Glenn, I know these threads might wear on you a bit but F$#& em, you put on the best metal show in the US, nuff said, hands down :worship: <-hands down, get it?

We all know you can't please everyone, at PP3 I liked 4/10 bands came away liking 6/10, at PP4 & 5 I liked 9/10, and this one is 7/8 so far (don't know Stride yet, haven't heard anything). Money well spent in my book.
Creeps said:
All the people involved in these things would be a nightmare for any promoter short of first name God to put together.

God really should start his own venue. He could pull of someone really awesome shows.
Creeps said:
Ok you obviously missed some of the point. You cannot compare Therion to Ayreon. Therion tours WITH those people, as in it's a no-brainer easy to bring them to the US for a tour. Ayreon/Avantasia/Miss Mercuria pick one.. they are projects and will 99% remain that way unless something happens far far away in a land called "NottheUSA".

I think you missed my point actually; I said I realize a full Ayreon show would be impossible; I suggested Arjen come with maybe Damian Wilson (not even in a full time band) and Russell Allen (already in the states). As for Therion, I don't think getting them here is a "no-brainer", and if i recall correctly, they are not bringing their whole crew since it is just too damn expensive. That's all I'm saying.
what about sponsors? maybe one year about 100 people off the board can pitch in to land a really big group. still probably wouldn't work (i know you're talking much bigger than that). but like someone else said, there's too much fantasizing aloud here. when we're supposed to be thinking about who we THINK is playing this year, the board is often flooded with first-timers who don't really know the extremes and limits of the festival yet. every year the star one / ayreon / dream theaters of the world get mentioned, but it's more wishful thinking. i think bands, like labyrinth for example, has SUPPOSED to play every year since who knows when ;) people need to start using their heads. i'm assuming arjen isn't done with star one yet, so maybe they'll tour again if he releases the next album? and tom should do guest vocals on it, since that's one loser you won't have to hand out cash for :D
nightwish58 said:
Creeps said:
Ok you obviously missed some of the point. You cannot compare Therion to Ayreon. Therion tours WITH those people, as in it's a no-brainer easy to bring them to the US for a tour. Ayreon/Avantasia/Miss Mercuria pick one.. they are projects and will 99% remain that way unless something happens far far away in a land called "NottheUSA".

I think you missed my point actually; I said I realize a full Ayreon show would be impossible; I suggested Arjen come with maybe Damian Wilson (not even in a full time band) and Russell Allen (already in the states). As for Therion, I don't think getting them here is a "no-brainer", and if i recall correctly, they are not bringing their whole crew since it is just too damn expensive. That's all I'm saying.

sorry man I'm not trying to go round and round on this, Therion said they were bringing the singers that they had on tour with them to the states for PP, from the horse's mouth. And Therion is a no-brainer compared to Aryeon/Avantasia no matter how you look at it. Therion is Therion where the other projects consist of people from all over the world. There is no comparison.
Didn't Russell Allen and Arjen have a falling out after the Star One tour though?

I think they mended, but I'm not sure that they're on the best of terms now. I'm not 100% sure on that though - but I'm pretty sure there was a conflict between them at one point after Star One.