Why can't I play along with Testament?


Chief Conti
Jan 21, 2006
I have learned some Testament songs but can never play along with them. I am in tune ( E standard) and intonated but my guitar does not match up with Alex's, Any one know why?

ifor ex: trial by fire, Diciples of the watch)
well meaby because you are not a good guitar player men... or meaby your fingers arent in the right position, but i dont know, or meaby because your guitar SUCKS, hhahaha i really dont know...:cool:
Your playing is fine but it isn't enough just have it in tune and intonated. His amp and other settings plays a big role in the sound they get.
Your playing is fine but it isn't enough just have it in tune and intonated. His amp and other settings plays a big role in the sound they get.

i'm not talking about sound I'm talking about being in tune with the actually song, it just sounds horrible when I play a long.
Perhaps your in the wrong tuning, though it sounds right, i have no idea.

UNLESS you are playing along to the re-recorded versions instead of the original, because they did that album where they re-recorded all their old songs, but put them in different tunings.
Perhaps your in the wrong tuning, though it sounds right, i have no idea.

UNLESS you are playing along to the re-recorded versions instead of the original, because they did that album where they re-recorded all their old songs, but put them in different tunings.

nah I played the song against the trial by fire video and they are the same tunings.
well meaby because you are not a good guitar player men... or meaby your fingers arent in the right position, but i dont know, or meaby because your guitar SUCKS, hhahaha i really dont know...:cool:

Learn how to spell correctly, my god

And dude you'll get it eventually, just keep trying:kickass: