Why did Motw fire the trumpet player and that Greek chick?


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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You lost your horns and your teats in one go, which is no mean feat!
I enjoyed breakdancing, whilst clad in a white lounge suit, to your music when you played the Palladium. Unfortunately, one of the guitarists left the stage to get another guitar, or something, and so he missed me doing The Spider and The Robot.

Put Your Right Hand In
Put Your Left Foot Out
Shake it all 'round
'til the Sun comes out
Do the Maudlin Rock
Do the Maudlin Roll
I can't contain myself
Fuck, I've lost control!
You Lost Your Horns,
I Lost My Hearing
You lost Your Greek Chick
With those gaudy gold earrings
Did you lose a drummer, too,
did he go back to school?
He chose to leave the Well?
So we know he dat fool!
Whilst growling evil stuff,
Byron wears a FireMan shirt
You once had 3 guitarists
One of whom didn't do enough
Do The Maudlin Rock
Do The Maudlin Roll
We Can't Contain Ourselves
Fuck, We've Lost Control!
i would just like to point out in my own defense that i was able to run three city blocks in worcester to get my spare guitar out of the car and then three blocks back all within the first half of "Riseth He, the Numberless." No easy feat for someone as out of shape as me let me tell you what.
Baliset said:
i would just like to point out in my own defense that i was able to run three city blocks in worcester to get my spare guitar out of the car and then three blocks back all within the first half of "Riseth He, the Numberless." No easy feat for someone as out of shape as me let me tell you what.