
Nov 8, 2001
New York City
posted at josh's request:

MAUDLIN OF THE WELL “Bath” 2001 CD (Dark Symphonies) I’ve no prior audio experience with MOTW save for witnessing them live at the 2nd NJ Meltdown fest in 2000. I can tell you the grandoise array of musicians that filled the stage (at least 8 or 10 people!) w/ everything from trumpet players to flute’s to guitars to synths etc… you name it. To say their mostly somber and atmospheric amalgamation did not translate too well in a live setting is a gross understatement. They have humourously chosen to label themselves “Progressive Astral Metal”. Progressive I’ll give them that, astral sure what ever if they want to call their atmospheric sounds that, but metal?! Besides a nominal few entirely short and seldom used passages - this is far from metal music and I take offense at them calling themselves metal. “Bath” would be more akin to being called something goofy like classical goth rock and more reflective, less trite and dim side of radio rock’s sweat caked underbelly. I am continually amazed & miffed at how far people try to stretch the term metal, find your own fucking term and stop calling glam, goth, grunge, folk, rap/jump Kornbizknot, ambient etc… metal (it is our way of life not some fast food garbage culture trend fad of the moment soft wigger trash music) we are embarrassed & fucking pissed off that you use our hallowed name for your wimp commercial garbage!!! But I digress, back to the review. “Bath” is a very diverse, drab, lugubrious atmosphere admittedly emotive textures and degree’s. The packaging and lyrical contents/concept which comes off as a bit too pompous and pseudo college level artsy fartsy for my liking. But it is the music that counts and even though it takes 9 full time musicians to create/record I do have to give out some respect for their instrumental talent and composition skills. <4.5/10> ~ Dale

MAUDLIN OF THE WELL “Leaving Your Body Map” 2001 CD (Dark Symphonies) In case you are puzzled Maudlin Of The Well has decided to release entire separately packaged full-length albums (120 minutes of music!) simultaneously. “Leaving Your Body Map” has more heavy musical particles in it’s make-up and seems to perfectly illustrate my point that adding symphonics/classical/goth/folk and instruments like flutes and horns with heavier music, is like putting mustard on chocolate ice cream it does not mix and tastes like shit! Talent and proficiency aside, I think purists like myself but on the other side of the fence would agree with me that they do not want metal mixed with their music and rightly so. After hearing and feeling how much effort was put into “Bath” it seems like MOTW just mailed this one in as a quick afterthought, very humdrum effort. If are into this kind of music (you have poor tastes) then go for “Bath” only and pass this one over. <2/10> Dark Symphonies, P.O. Box 547, Billerica, MA. 01821, USA Web = ~ Dale

I regret to say I found this album, how shall I say, unpalatable.