Why didn't I discover these guys before?!

That's fuckin crazy. They're the only thing that really stood out for me! :lol:
I'm guess I'm just sick of everything even remotely heavy these days being drenched in a metalcore frontman by default. "Oh it's got heavy downtuned guitars? Better scream on it then eh!" I guess that's what made these guys sound fairly.. i dunno.. refreshing I guess. But oh well, I tried! :lol:
"Oh it's got heavy downtuned guitars? Better scream on it then eh!"

As opposed to, "Oh it's music? Better have someone do some singing on it?" :D

Not really a fan of singing as a main feature of music tbh, don't mind it being used sparingly though.....
Yeah but... that never happens, which is the entire point :D Nobody does that anymore (we're talking about metal here, btw, obviously it happens everywhere else!) Not with music this heavy anyway, maybe in some of the more popier/punkier metal acts. I dunno. I guess it is more common than I'm making out, but I do get very sick of hearing a band for the first time, my foot's tapping like fuck, then the vocals kick in and it's yet another metalcore screamer. Each to their own I guess but I think this is more up my street*

*more up my street for THIS kind of metal, that is. I fuckin love death metal, but that's where I EXPECT screaming/growling.
I totally understand I hate 99% of screaming/shouting vocalists, which is one reason I hate so many bands that I would probably like if there were no vocals something other than someone with no balls singing or DM vokills (i fucking love that term :D)
I'm digging this shit. Vocals were sweet, way better than alot of the dog shit out there.


This is actually pretty good! And I for one dig the vocals!

As the video and guitarist is concerned though... I wouldn't be caught dead with a Kirk Hamlet sig ESP. That thing is atrocious! :lol:

However, I do love the other guitarist's green Carvin -- looks like the same model Joey Tafolla used at one point. \m/
Vocalist sounds very Swedish. The clean vox = Too gay. Growl vox = ok. (Ryhmes)
The vocalist simply drag´em down.
I think Empyrios does something like that as well....

Similar sounding - but I think I prefer Empyrios. Mostly because I pretty much love anything with Simone Mularoni playing on it - love his other more melodic band DGM.

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Off-topic Erik... but why is your website down?

Because i'm so broke I can't pay the domain yet :lol:
Not like there's a lot of Erik Monsonis around to steal it, so I'm not very worried.
Also I'm on full schedule now for the rest of the year, so don't need more clients asking quotes yet :D
Anyways, as soon as I get paid from one of the 4 bands that have to pay me I'll get it again... It never ends this shit!