Why does A54 Rule!?

Originally posted by NovembersDirge
Wow, I didn't know you almost missed a plane to post that! That was very swell of you! :)

sure was baby cakes lol

ok so nearly was an exageration...
but i had it all packaged up and ready to go and then the damn dude told me it was going to cost and extra £5 to post just cuz it hada letter in it so i took the letter out and had to go through the rigmarole again, and then sent the letter from ireland for 50p. lol

but u liked the cd so that was cool lol
Id worship em too, but i got bad knees ;)

phil - i ironed/washed/scrubbed it first!!!! THat beanie is part of me. i lost it for 3 days once, and i was in tears!!! :eek:
But i bought it off you at Bloodstock and it was like my ORIGINAL merch that i ever bought of 54, plus its been to every 54 gig ive went to!!! Senimentality, i dunno...
I love my beanie!! I wear it all the time during the winter, it's very, very, very comfy and well made!! :)

Oooo, she called me Baby Cakes...Maybe I DO have a chance! ;)

I never got the letter Madgirl?? All I ever got was all the other stuff!!
What is this I hear? The oh-so recognisable opening twangs of a certain area 54 song? perhaps track seven of their debut album? You ALL asked for it!!!!

*sings first verse*
*sings second verse*
*um..... headbangs more*
*exercises neck and spine*
*and.... headbangs more!!!*

And Relax :)

Man that song absolutely rocks my socks. I would sacrifice a GCSE grade if Area 54 were going to play that song for me. I worship at their feet:worship: :worship: Overload=my song. MINE MINE MINE!