Why don't addicts an alcoholics get along together?

Sure, we argue over whose drug is really more fun. Of course, in recovery alcoholics have to let go of selfishness and work a service program from AA, but addicts going to NA get to work a selfish program.

But what is the root of the dissent? Are alcoholics just more square and lame? Are addicts really so much more open-minded?

Enlighten me please.

That's Mark Twain except he said smoking rather than drugs.

Re: my sig. You have a point. I have some IOUs out for drinks. (If Steven Skulle showed up I'd be drinking Kentucky Deluxe with PCP in it. I've already turned him down for it twice. First when I put the alleged PCP in the Kentucky Deluxe Steven gave me for a high school graduation present. And second in Fall 2010 when I was new in recovery. So I have to do it if he comes back because the third strike will be an out forever. I don't want to be out. I want back into the dojo. My daughter wants to be in the dojo too. I also have a IOU for a drink with the head of the Temple of the Vampire.)

Re: the LSD thing. Yah, I'm fucking hideous. It's the PCP. People can see me, and it scares them because it's not their drug. I can see people that have been exposed to PCP, but not other hallucinogens. not even shrooms even tho I've done shrooms

Re: did I really expect an answer? I expected exactly what I got. It has been mildly enlightening tho.

Just fuck off :lol: Nobodys interested in your shit and everyone has done shrooms its not boosting your street cred.
Your sig is now even worse.
this is not the place for a sober person.


You will get no sympathy here. Get off your fat, lazy ass, and go the gym. Or continue to sit around all day doing absolutely nothing hoping for sympathy from a Children of Bodom forum.

If you want to quit doing drugs, do something else other than drugs. Its not that hard.
Alright Steven, you fucking speed freak, we'll finish that match. Where shall I report to punch and kick you and get thrown on my back so you can climb on top again?

Not like you'll actually do anything other than ask me if I can feel your ki. Yes, I can feel your ki. And no, it's not just your perpetual hardon. Fucking dreaming of penises, avoidant personality disorder fucker. Take your fucking busbar and leave the goddamn house. I swear, you won't even fucking come answer the goddamn door when people drop off shit THAT YOU ASKED FOR.

Furthermore, stop fucking talking about yourself. I'm working a program. You're the one sitting on your ass all day fucking toking the ice pipe.

...dude what the fuck
Dude, Alexi is not going to fight you. You're gonna have to settle for me. My boy won't stand up for me. You have proven your point.
So fucking stop being a little shit on the internet.

Now, Corey Taylor will fight you, but naturally that is not the point of this exercise. Corey Taylor is an American. We know all the American boys understand what is happening here.

And we have reached the logical conclusion that European boys do not understand. They totally think I'm the one starting some shit to make them fight my other boyfriend or tear them down in some way. And they totally take that 'be a bigger man and don't fight' thing way too far. So yah, you can fight an American.

'Cuz at least Americans understand that this is a set-up for sex for them, and your international tv career which has been a long time coming has it not? Hey man, I can't force men to fight you.

Dude what the fucking fuck? :lol: how is this related to the topic? Or is "boyfriend" your word for alcohol?