Why I love Americans


Mar 6, 2007
Man reports marijuana stolen, handed DUI

Oregon police have charged a man with drunk driving after he called police to report his marijuana as stolen.

Calvin Hoover, 21, told dispatchers early on Tuesday someone had broken into his truck and stolen cash, a jacket and a small amount of marijuana while he was at a tavern.

He called police again to complain they had not arrived, but the dispatcher had trouble understanding Hoover because he was driving and stopping occasionally to vomit, the Statesman Journal reported.

He was arrested on charges of driving under the influence of intoxicants.

Medical marijuana is legal in Oregon, where nearly 21,000 people have permits for use. It was not immediately clear if Hoover had such a permit.

Okay, so I know it isn't JUST Americans who are this stupid, but, its hard not to feel at least a tiny bit home sick when I read stupid crap like this :lol:
Land of the free and home of the brave, I guess.
One thing I must say about Oregon though for the record (I'm a Californian transplant, btw) is that it has more microbreweries per capita than any other state. Actually it might be the world leader in microbrews, I can't remember. :kickass:

I guess that may have contributed to the DUI guy's problems, Haha.
The editor of the Good Beer Guide says:
“Britain has more small craft breweries per head of population than all other major industrialised countries”

however the concentration in Oregon may indeed be higher
in red that the highest microbrewery per head of population ratio is in bavaria, in the city I lived before, we had like 5 brewerys for 20.000 people (without the ones in the villages around).
Now I live 500 metres away from two really big breweries.

Actually there's stuff like that in Germany, too, but like once in a month and it seems like that happens everyday in the USA.
After a quick search online I read that the estimated German Population for 2009 is
as compared to the US Population for 2009 being
The estimated extra 225,873,000 people in the US make it, unfortunately, more likely for these sorts of things to happen. Which reminds me, :lol: have any of you seen the movie Idiocracy?
One of my definite favorite movies of all time.
Don't forget that the stereotypical American is also more individualistic with his bad ideas. Americans may do stupid shit like this, but...

The UK still hasn't overthrown an Orwellian nightmare of a peeping-Tom government despite massive incompetence and invasion of privacy.
Australia is still ruled by a bunch of idiots who think that violence comes from seeing violence, and has found it a better idea to ban video games they don't like than to get rid of the obfuckingscenely violent animals plaguing every part of the country that doesn't shoot them.
Germans still speak German.
Russians occasionally live in Russia.
Denmark still owes the world an apology for Kierkegaard.

We're America, and we do stupid shit our own way.
