Why I will NEVER EVER be Neal's neighbor.

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
I went through Los Angeles over the weekend, and Neal, you can fucking keep it, sorry.

1. I hate large gatherings, especially in tight areas called "Disneyland" where 45,000 people think they can all walk around and have a good time, but only get to shove through each other and spend no less than 2 hours waiting for a fucking ride and then being told "Oh, we're sorry, Splash Mountain has a log jam, it will be shut down for now, even though you're sweating, angry, and tired."

2. I don't like roads where the posted speed limit is 65 MPH (104 KM/H ), but you never get above 30 (48KM/H)...
(When 8,000 vehicles think they can pack into 2 miles of road, a little phenomenon called "Traffic Jam" occurs, and in L. A., it's considered perfectly normal to take 2 hours to get across town.)

3. We may have bad air, but your town's air reminds me of the dairy 5 miles away where the cow farts are so bad if you catch even a whiff you cough and sputter.

So, I don't intend to offend you, but I hate your town more than mine. it blows.

PS: Sadly, I will be returning in November for the Nevermore concert, and after that for a planned vacation, because it is the ONLY town in this half of the state with ANYTHING interesting to see.
yah that's why dallas is the place to be muwahahahahahaaa
traffic's not that bad, the air's not that bad as long as you don't live by the water treatment plant, these days six flags isn't that bad, so standing in line a few minutes to be able to black out at 85 mph on the Titan is well worth it(as well as having your brain turned to jello on the texas giant woo ha)...and....we got...phil anselmo, i, i mean, ABSU!!!:grin:
You can't smell the fish unless you're down at the piers, and only tourists and fucktards (usually one and the same) spend their time at Fisherman's Wharf. As for the gays, it's not like they spend all their time hitting on us straight guys...they just walk around in too-tight clothes and direct musicals.