rewire the plug on your amp. I bet the earth has come off and the amp is trying to earth its self through the PA via your teeth.
Basically if the earth on the mains plug of your amp has become disconnected the electricity going to the amp will try and find earth any other way it can. When ever you step upto the mic it will try and find earth via yourself through the mic and down the PAs earth if you rewire the mains plug on your amp it should be fine. Open up the plug and have a look.
Your not being an idiot, we all learn somehow. I only know cos Ive seen it happen to many times.
I meant the actual plug that plugs into the wall. Open it up and there will probably be one of 3 wires (if your in the UK) disconnected. Check they are all connected properly. If its not this take the amp to a service centre.
buy a cheap electrical tester. it will tell ya if its grounded.
I was getting shocked recently with my mic too....all I did though was install a new barrel jack on my axe and that problem went away (had a bad ground inside it or something). You might have to start at ground level as the problem may not be that big.
I think you are not in america but the basics should be the same.
Home Electrical Guide: How To Test an Electrical Outlet - ACME HOW
Hope this helps. Start at the wall then move to any power strips and stuff.