Why in the F am I getting electrical shocks through my mic...


Super Rad Member
Dec 13, 2005
My mic at my practice space is sending me electrical shocks. The thing is it only happens when I have my hands on the strings of my guitar. So there is some grounding issue that I have no clue how to trouble shoot. Any suggestions?
rewire the plug on your amp. I bet the earth has come off and the amp is trying to earth its self through the PA via your teeth.

I don't know to much about electrical current. Please give me a little more detail. If it helps I am playing through a JCM2000 with active pickups. I also have double checked to make sure the phantom power was off on the P.A.
Basically if the earth on the mains plug of your amp has become disconnected the electricity going to the amp will try and find earth any other way it can. When ever you step upto the mic it will try and find earth via yourself through the mic and down the PAs earth if you rewire the mains plug on your amp it should be fine. Open up the plug and have a look.
Basically if the earth on the mains plug of your amp has become disconnected the electricity going to the amp will try and find earth any other way it can. When ever you step upto the mic it will try and find earth via yourself through the mic and down the PAs earth if you rewire the mains plug on your amp it should be fine. Open up the plug and have a look.

Sorry if I sound like an idiot but you are suggesting that I open up my main power connection on the back of my amp head and make sure that my ground is still connected correct?
Your not being an idiot, we all learn somehow. I only know cos Ive seen it happen to many times.
I meant the actual plug that plugs into the wall. Open it up and there will probably be one of 3 wires (if your in the UK) disconnected. Check they are all connected properly. If its not this take the amp to a service centre.
Your not being an idiot, we all learn somehow. I only know cos Ive seen it happen to many times.
I meant the actual plug that plugs into the wall. Open it up and there will probably be one of 3 wires (if your in the UK) disconnected. Check they are all connected properly. If its not this take the amp to a service centre.

Oh...so your saying the actual cord. Got yah. Shoot I will just try swaping it and doing a little trouble shooting that way.
A few years back I had a potentially fatal accident with electricity. Id started working in a venue as PA systems tech before it opened and was helping with the system install.
At the time I was prety green so was given all the small tasks while the experts got on with the important stuff. I was set to worki vacuming the brick dust from the amp room so the racks of amplifiers could be installed. At this time the electricians were in and we never knew which ring main was on or off at any given time.
There was a breaker board in the amp room and the frame around the edges of the breakers had been removed exposing the copper bars that actually carry the current. While I was vacuming I moved the tube upwards and it came with a few inches of the copper bars and the current just jumped accross to the vacume tube.

I tripped out 3 lots of 63amp 3 phase in one hit with the the metal pipe in my hand. It killed the light and the power and sent me flying accross the room with vacume in hand. The only reason Im still here is because at the time I was holding by the plastic ring that joins 2 pipes togeather.

2 things I learn that day. They use less current for the electric chair and never trust anything you cant see, ie electricity!!!
I was getting shocked recently with my mic too....all I did though was install a new barrel jack on my axe and that problem went away (had a bad ground inside it or something). You might have to start at ground level as the problem may not be that big.
I was getting shocked recently with my mic too....all I did though was install a new barrel jack on my axe and that problem went away (had a bad ground inside it or something). You might have to start at ground level as the problem may not be that big.

What is a barrel jack?
I was at the practice spot yesterday and I tried every possible combination of things. I switched out outlets on the amps and p.a., main power cords, guitar cords, mics, guitars, etc.... and still no luck. My next step is to go and buy a electrical tester. Problem is I don't know what they are. Can anyone link me a picture or something.
had this soundchecking at a gig recently. went thru everything to find the culprit (changed guitar, leads, head, cab, mic, mic lead etc.) and in the end the thing that stopped it was changing the extension lead my amp was plugged into. the original one mustnt have been earthed properly or something. so if either your amp or the pa are plugged into an extension lead (4 way adapter etc) then change it for another and see if that fixes it.
gotta be real carefull with this stuff as a friend of a friend of mine was actually killed in rehersal from his guitar or amp not being earthed or something.
Hey chad, that problem was pretty common on the rehearshal spaces we had...the outlets had a ground connection but it wasn't really the problem.
The problem was something OUTSIDE our space, it was a building with a lot of bands rehearshing and the ground was more like a "cool" thing to show, the ground wasn't grounded in the whole building ( even having all the outlets with a third prong)
What is a barrel jack?