why is it that

hey man. i mean honestly though GI Joe was like my favorite toy, and my friends and i all had arsenals of toy guns and we'd go off in the woords and play war games and shit ('playing guns' was the technical term). but the thought of actually physically hurting anyone (well, almost anyone) is repulsive.
I dunno, Josh. I'm all pacifist and shit yet all I played with as a child was Transformers and G.I. Joes and other war toys, and I play violent video games and the movie I like maybe the best is Pulp Fiction and...

Maybe, just maybe, all those stupid violence-causes-violence studies are...wrong?
Some people can't differentiate between reality and make-believe.
yes, yes. it's like star fruit.

trust me. there's nothing quite like punching someone in the face and breaking their nose.
such a valid question.

to make matters worse, what does it mean when you like professional wrestling video games?

i think it means you dislike real-life violence but like emulating emulated violence - but in this case do two negatives actually equate to one dreadfully bad thing?
because violence in video games is not violence. you're making a category mistake. besides, what really makes violence violent? its connection to a moral, social consequence, a loss, etc. No such things exist in pixel land.

oh and I'm captain obvious by night too. ;)

Question: If there were a baby doll, which when you touched it too hard it started crying or yelling, saying "stop, please, I'm in pain!!" would it be immoral to continue to do so?

Suppose it actually did "hurt" by some kind of weird calculus, and the exortation "ouch, please stop!!" wasn't a simulation, but also suppose its pain didn't really "damage it" and the doll forgets everything the moment you stop, now is it immoral to hurt it?

these are deep thoughts i get whilst on the toilet.
but also suppose its pain didn't really "damage it" and the doll forgets everything the moment you stop, now is it immoral to hurt it?

That's why they don't use anaesthesia on many surgical procedures for babies. Yes, it's horrible to think that a child is getting sliced up without any sort of painkiller, but it's really freakin' hard to safely anaesthetize a baby, and it won't remember it anyway, so I guess I'd rather have a tortured, vivisectioned baby than a dead one...?

shudder. ergh.
Originally posted by xfer

That's why they don't use anaesthesia on many surgical procedures for babies. Yes, it's horrible to think that a child is getting sliced up without any sort of painkiller, but it's really freakin' hard to safely anaesthetize a baby, and it won't remember it anyway, so I guess I'd rather have a tortured, vivisectioned baby than a dead one...?


I don't think that follows since doctors do what they do for the sake of the baby's well being and not to hurt it maliciously or for one's own entertainment or self-advancement. its moral status is not a question.