Why is there no reissue?


New Metal Member
Feb 7, 2006
So I have been keeping track now for a few months. I posted a question a while back about where I could find October Tide CDs. You all responded quickly with several different places to find Grey Dawn and I picked up a copy for a decent price on Ebay. I checked back everyday for Rain Without End and found it finally after a few weeks. Much to my surprise the winning bid on it turned out to be $132.50. That got me a bit pissed off but I just figured it was some nut who had more money than brains. Turns out I was wrong. Rain Without End just went off Ebay again today for $113.50. So my question is, why would Katatonia (or whoever handles this sort of thing) not re-release Rain Without End if there is that big of a market for it that someone would pay over $100 American for it?

I may be missing something here, but to me it just seems to me if there is a demand that big and no market then there is money being lost. Any suggestions or advice would help me out, because at this point I may just travel to Singapore and steal this guys copy of it.
I don't think October Tide really got a good backing label and didn't get pushed enough to get a huge coming. I mean the band has its "core" fans, but it's not that big. So one pressing was probably all they cared to release.

You can still find the Digi of Grey Dawn mostly anywhere though.