Why is this forum virtually dead?

As much as I hate to say it. Bush with Anthrax has been disappointing. Saint However, Have always pleased my ears
i think people just dont know about the place yet.
the link on the bands site looks like part of the store stuff so it's real easy to over look, so most everyone that has been here were posters from other um forums.
but like BLB said, hopefully that will soon change!

nothing official yet, but rumor has it the band is working on a new album. hopefully the "more next week" joey referred to on his site, will be the official announcement that the bands working on an album.

i couldnt give a flying rats butt about begging mtv to play more metal, but anything ARMORED SAINT related i would love to see & i will reply too.
Hello, haven't posted on here before. Given all the crap with Anthrax I'd been hoping that Armored Saint might be getting active again so greet these rumours with much anticipation!

Only seen the band once at Wacken in 2000 and was blown away! Had been waiting to see them since I first got Raising Fear in 1987.

how bout posting about when ya saw um at wacken in the TALES OF THE ARMORED KNIGHTS thread. id like to get as many different peoples ARMORED experiences as i can.
thanks for posting boss!