Why is Tranquillity spelled wrong with 2 L's?

rahvin said:
another cautious answer is that we mostly see english native speakers writing in their own language on communities online, and therefore don't really have a well-documented idea of how many spelling mistakes people who are native in another language would make. it could be that an italian, spanish, german, or finnish community would have users as prone to typos and grammar blunders as the english speakers we see on international sites.
And to this it can be said that of course not everyone writing to a message board, be it a Finnish or Italian one, can be a grade-A writer, but I would say that there's not so many spelling/grammar mistakes on average on the Finnish boards that I read.

Now that you've got me writing and thinking of more than a one-liner reply, I'd just like to say that I don't think Lolita's remark had anything at all to do with the thread. Americans are taught to spell "tranquillity" "tranquility" just like "colour" is "color", and there's not exactly anything wrong with that (other than maybe right from the beginning :p). So the thread starter essentially knows his own spelling in this case, even if he does not know the UK spelling.
But what I'm really annoyed of is your holier-than-thou "mommy, I can spell better than the boy next door!" attitude, so maybe I should've stuck to one-liners. "Not that I know it..." Hah.
TheFourthHorseman said:
And to this it can be said that of course not everyone writing to a message board, be it a Finnish or Italian one, can be a grade-A writer, but I would say that there's not so many spelling/grammar mistakes on average on the Finnish boards that I read.

i don't think there are fewer grammar mistakes among italian users speaking italian, but there certainly are fewer typos or made-up phonetical approximations. then again, i think my answers #1 and 3 cover the possible reasons why, since i do believe that finnish people are on average - again, comparing same class/age, which sounds like something about world of warcraft but it's not - better educated than most, even in europe.

Now that you've got me writing and thinking of more than a one-liner reply, I'd just like to say that I don't think Lolita's remark had anything at all to do with the thread. Americans are taught to spell "tranquillity" "tranquility" just like "colour" is "color", and there's not exactly anything wrong with that (other than maybe right from the beginning :p). So the thread starter essentially knows his own spelling in this case, even if he does not know the UK spelling.

i thought she was commenting on his other mistakes (regularly, categories...). the idea that she was deprecating the fact that the op doesn't know about "tranquillity" with 2 l's didn't cross my mind. they definitely don't teach you british english in american schools.
rahvin said:
i thought she was commenting on his other mistakes (regularly, categories...). the idea that she was deprecating the fact that the op doesn't know about "tranquillity" with 2 l's didn't cross my mind. they definitely don't teach you british english in american schools.
Maybe then my criticism was (mostly) unfounded and I should feel stupid. Oh well.

rahvin said:
the idea that she was deprecating the fact that the op doesn't know about "tranquillity" with 2 l's didn't cross my mind. they definitely don't teach you british english in american schools.
I thought more like that she was directing it at the thread starter actually, which is why it seemed a little weird to me in the first place since the post was there without a quote and any visible (well, visible to me) relation to anything. So maybe I was quite wrong indeed.

rahvin said:
i don't think there are fewer grammar mistakes among italian users speaking italian, but there certainly are fewer typos or made-up phonetical approximations. then again, i think my answers #1 and 3 cover the possible reasons why, since i do believe that finnish people are on average - again, comparing same class/age, which sounds like something about world of warcraft but it's not - better educated than most, even in europe.
Actually I just realized that it should be mentioned that message boards don't really give a good impression on the quality of the average Finn's abilities in his/her native language. I remember that in our classroom we had at least 3-5 persons who were more or less abysmal (well ok, not that bad, but bad) in their writing, but on message boards you rarely find a person (over 15) whose writing is really horrible. I suppose the worst cases might not find message boards that inviting or something.

And hey, speak of the devil, I heard a while ago that there's a birth in the family! Remember to feed your orc at least twice a day for the minimum duration of two hours. ;)
TheFourthHorseman said:
I thought more like that she was directing it at the thread starter actually,

i think so too: op = original poster. it's the thread starter who, in addition to wondering about dt's decision, made a few more spelling mistakes, which everyone has been keen to notice.

I suppose the worst cases might not find message boards that inviting or something.

and that's also different - to my knowledge - from what happens in the usa, where sometimes "the worst cases" feel the occasional lure of message boards spinning the wheel on the latest trends in pop culture.

And hey, speak of the devil, I heard a while ago that there's a birth in the family! Remember to feed your orc at least twice a day for the minimum duration of two hours. ;)

it's so addictive. oh, god, it's so addictive! stop me before i start fifteen threads on how to get the best gear for my warlock.
@rahvin: Well said. Many good points there.

rahvin said:
i thought she was commenting on his other mistakes (regularly, categories...). the idea that she was deprecating the fact that the op doesn't know about "tranquillity" with 2 l's didn't cross my mind. they definitely don't teach you british english in american schools.

That is true, I was basically commenting on those other mistakes than his one l-letter in tranquillity. I am also well aware of the differences between American and British English, at least those differences I've learned in school here in Finland.
rahvin said:
i think so too: op = original poster. it's the thread starter who, in addition to wondering about dt's decision, made a few more spelling mistakes, which everyone has been keen to notice.
OP=moderator. Either you don't use DC enough or you use the Internet too much. Don't expect me to know all those abbreviations. I've completely lost any trust that my guild people might have had in me after asking them what the hell they're on about with "nn" or "omw".

rahvin said:
and that's also different - to my knowledge - from what happens in the usa, where sometimes "the worst cases" feel the occasional lure of message boards spinning the wheel on the latest trends in pop culture.
nicko94 said:
hihiihhi! I have my place for the concert of DT, in Paris of the 02/10! but I do not know the other groups, Trivium and Arch Enemy!! but why it is not DT which in of tete of affiche?!gggrrr!! :hotjump:
Not just in the US. :lol:

I think they're all busy with ii2.org or something similar here. Oh dear.
TheFourthHorseman said:
OP=moderator. Either you don't use DC enough or you use the Internet too much. Don't expect me to know all those abbreviations.

clearly i just wanted to show off and then have a chance to clarify. hey, i should be allowed to brag about something totally retarded too!

edit: and about your quote from the other thread, i call upon the "non native" clause. his french, on the other hand, seems fluent enough. :p
I guess every language finds the people to mutilate it in some way. English might be one of the worst though, because you cant conclude from the pronounciation to the spelling or the other way around. At least in french you know how the word is pronounced once you've seen it written down, same thing goes for most languages actually.
While I every time I see "too", "to" and "two" mixed up I grind my teeth, the french resolve to even more horrifying methods, replacing "qui" by "ki" and "ce que" by "c k", "t'es" by "t" and so on.. that's the kind of stuff that makes me genuinely sick.. well maybe I am a grammar nazi then.
well the same thing as with "too", "to" etc. in english is in german "dass" <-> "das" and "seit" <-> "seid" just to name the most frequent occuring errors made. it's quite annoying because it's such a simple rule of grammar but those internet geeks don't care about this.
speaking of spelling on online boards, i've seen a curious feedback phenomenon in some fanfiction communities, notoriously frequented by a mass of teenagers, who are more prone to pick up 'new' spelling habits than older people. common mistakes by native speakers, typically the their/there/they're dilemma and similar, are absorbed without thought by foreigners who are just learning english, inducing more chaos.
Taliesin said:
I guess every language finds the people to mutilate it in some way. English might be one of the worst though, because you cant conclude from the pronounciation to the spelling or the other way around. At least in french you know how the word is pronounced once you've seen it written down, same thing goes for most languages actually.
While I every time I see "too", "to" and "two" mixed up I grind my teeth, the french resolve to even more horrifying methods, replacing "qui" by "ki" and "ce que" by "c k", "t'es" by "t" and so on.. that's the kind of stuff that makes me genuinely sick.. well maybe I am a grammar nazi then.

oh yeah when some people write on forums or when they send text message they use those awfull 'ki', 'C' au lieu de 'c'est' and so on...
i hate them too
i guess you can speak french if you wrote that? am i right?
:hypno: well i never think in french when i write in english, i can think in english, so when i start thinking in 2 languages at the same time you just saw the result!

for people who dont speak french i meant
'c' instead of "c'est"

PS: i checked everything to be sure there s no french this time :Spin: