Why is Zakk trying to sing?


Nov 29, 2005
Zakk Wylde is an awesome guitarist. Pure fucking class. But man, does his singing suck! Bring it.
Krigloch the Furious said:
boring boring song writing.
bye bye.
I'm into black and death. But you gotta give the guy some props on the fretboard at least. As far as the songwriting goes, it is rather excrematory.
I think Zakk's guitar playing is cool and recognizable. He is not a grand master virtuoso, but can still handle great solos and riffs.

As far as I'm concerned, his vocals are good, but could use more practice.

Yes, songs are rather boring. Would like to be a BLS fan, but no album is that good, unfortunately.
Recognizable compared to what? Every other southern Black Sabbath ripoff that likes to do the same old pentatonic stuff that all the others do and somehow get called amazingly good? Douchebag Darrell comes to mind minus the BS ripoff.
My point is that if you hear BLS or an Ozzy song on your radio, you will recognize Zakk's playing.

I didn't say it was original, just popular.

But since you mentioned like it's whole swarm of southern type guitarists, could you name one that is really cool and metal? I am looking to get this type of music, but it either boring (even worse than BLS) or not metal.

BLS isn't cool. If BLS were a person he'd be wearing 80's clothes with an IQ of 80 and think that he's on the cutting edge (in 1985).
Thraxz said:
BLS isn't cool. If BLS were a person he'd be wearing 80's clothes with an IQ of 80 and think that he's on the cutting edge (in 1985).
I didn't start this thread because I'm a big fan of Zakk Wylde. As I said earlier, I'm into a style of music which is totally different from anything Zakk ever put out. I don't even own any BLS or Ozzy at all. In fact, I don't really find BLS to be musically appealing. It is rather sad, however, to see a little boy type such nasty little words about a guy whom most guitar players recognize as a prominent guitar entity and at least respect, "pentatonic" or not. I've heard recordings of the guy doing stuff while just fucking around in his studio that sounded like nothing he's done with Ozzy or BLS, and it was pretty damn impressive. The guy is actually a really good guitarist when he's not enclosed into the format of music which made him famous.
Anyway, he's Zakk Wylde and you ain't shit.
I agree. He's a cool guitar player, but the songs he writes for BLS are sadly not that interesting. Still, he is recognizable, whether you listen to Ozzy tracks, BLS or his contributing on Derek Sherinians' Inertia.

:p I also don't prefer his sound, but that's another topic.
I don't mind his singing, I think he sounds like he's trying to be Ozzy, in order to attract more fans. I don't care for the music, though.

The songs are catchy and do get stuck in my head when I hear them, but I would never spend my oh so precious money on them.
hey dont dis zakk man i believe that he sings great if you notice or maybe you didnt but he was ozzys backup singer for years and the man can sound pretty close to sounding like him maybe try listening to more of his music have you tried pride and glory.
BLS sucks, in my opinion. I once received one of their CDs from a website's promotion and I've seen them live on the Ozzfest stage. I think he needs to work with an outside producer if he's not.

I really wish he would stop trying to have that biker image, though. Go look up pictures of him from 1989 when he first started playing with Ozzy and his hair was all poofy and he was wearing spandex. :D
I used to like him quite a lot when I first got into metal as you do. But I do just get tierd sometimes of hearing the same solo for the 200th time. He really needs to incorporate some new techniques into his solos. Maybe a few sweeps here and there or tapping. He also needs to get out of the typical song structure as well.