Why is Zakk trying to sing?

truth to be told zakk does know how to sweep pick and tap very well i have seen him do it in many lesson videos and just messing around but yeah your right his solos gets a little old after a while and he never really does all of the things he can but still the greatest guitarist around in his catagory no discussion.
risnercharles said:
truth to be told zakk does know how to sweep pick and tap very well i have seen him do it in many lesson videos and just messing around but yeah your right his solos gets a little old after a while and he never really does all of the things he can but still the greatest guitarist around in his catagory no discussion.

as much as everyone hate BLS and Zakk around here, you all find really a lot to talk about it.

I get the impression that the thread was opened just to dis Zakk, because the guy who opened it already knew what the general answer would be. :Smug:
Ursus said:
as much as everyone hate BLS and Zakk around here, you all find really a lot to talk about it.

I get the impression that the thread was opened just to dis Zakk, because the guy who opened it already knew what the general answer would be. :Smug:
The thread wasn't opened "just to diss Zakk". I just wanted to know how many metalheads share my opinion on his shitty singing. I also stated early on in this thread that Zakk is an incredible guitarist - now how is that a diss?
Day_Before_Dawn said:
I used to like him quite a lot when I first got into metal as you do. But I do just get tierd sometimes of hearing the same solo for the 200th time. He really needs to incorporate some new techniques into his solos. Maybe a few sweeps here and there or tapping. He also needs to get out of the typical song structure as well.
Hey man, was that photo of Phil taken after Dime's death? If so, where could I find more?
Good guitarist making really boring music. Zakks harmonics are not tasteful either.
VadimVon said:
The thread wasn't opened "just to diss Zakk". I just wanted to know how many metalheads share my opinion on his shitty singing. I also stated early on in this thread that Zakk is an incredible guitarist - now how is that a diss?

It is not a diss, but sharing general negative opinion about the guy is.

But then again, he's famous, we CAN talk shit about him, right? I suppose he doesn't give a shit about people like us anyway.:D
Zakk is an awesome guitarist. He has done some amazing solos. But honestly, his vocals are horrible. If BLS was instrumental I'd love them to death. But Zakk's vocals drive me far far away.
The Bringer said:
Zakk is an awesome guitarist. He has done some amazing solos. But honestly, his vocals are horrible. If BLS was instrumental I'd love them to death. But Zakk's vocals drive me far far away.
VadimVon said:
Zakk Wylde is an awesome guitarist. Pure fucking class. But man, does his singing suck! Bring it.

I think his singing and songwriting is fine. It depends on who your comparing him too. If your comparing him to the majority of metal singers than he's definitely pretty decent.
I don't even know what he sings like - seems like every BLS song I hear Ozzy is singing. Even when it doesn't seem to be him singing the main vocal, you can still hear his voice somewhere in the background.
I like Zakk's solos, and he's got a cool redneck image, but he's a nob jockey. I'd rather listen to a real virtuoso like Satch than BLS.
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
I think his singing and songwriting is fine. It depends on who your comparing him too. If your comparing him to the majority of metal singers than he's definitely pretty decent.
What is this "majority of metal singers" that Zakk would be "pretty decent" in comparison to?:Smug:
Stormwatch said:
I don't even know what he sings like - seems like every BLS song I hear Ozzy is singing. Even when it doesn't seem to be him singing the main vocal, you can still hear his voice somewhere in the background.
I like Zakk's solos, and he's got a cool redneck image, but he's a nob jockey. I'd rather listen to a real virtuoso like Satch than BLS.
Yeah, and it was pretty funny to watch Yngwie smoke the shit out of your "real virtuoso" on the G3Tour video too!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seriously, if I were either Vai or Satriani (neither one of whom I damn well am not), I'd be pretty fucking embarassed to actually get up onstage and have myself filmed while trading off leads with Malmsteen.:devil:
VadimVon said:
Yeah, and it was pretty funny to watch Yngwie smoke the shit out of your "real virtuoso" on the G3Tour video too!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seriously, if I were either Vai or Satriani (neither one of whom I damn well am not), I'd be pretty fucking embarassed to actually get up onstage and have myself filmed while trading off leads with Malmsteen.:devil:

Are you a troll? Is this a joke? Seriously, this isn't even worthy of discussion.

Malmsteen is technically better than Satch or Vai?


You're obviously just at the wind up. So I'll ignore it.
Stormwatch said:
Are you a troll? Is this a joke? Seriously, this isn't even worthy of discussion.

Malmsteen is technically better than Satch or Vai?


You're obviously just at the wind up. So I'll ignore it.
"at the wind up" is that a scottish thing?
Seriously though, Malmsteen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Vai>>"Snatch"
Ignore it all you want, Sean Connery:loco: