Why isn't this commerically available by now? (gaming, headtracking)


May 9, 2009
Anyone seen this?

This video is uploaded like 3 years ago... I think this thing looks fucking BRILLIANT. Way better than shitty 3d-glasses or any of that shit. Looks easy to use, probably wouldn't cost too much if companies would just make games that support this... It would be so awesome, I think the possibilities could be endless.

is this real!? those fucking targets look like they are outsite the fucking TV...WTF!?
It's been around in the PC world for years, but there are no games that take advantage of the perception. But they are great for flight sims and first person shooters.

This isn't really new, people are just figuring out how to use a wii to do it.

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yeah i saw this a coupla years ago, blew my mind!!!

can't wait for something like this to come out...

I imagine you'd need a huge gaming area to run around in for games along the line of COD, Halo, etc...